In very good condition. document.write('

'); 1st model Luftwaffe (Air Force) Dagger 1934/35, 2nd model Luftwaffe (Air Force) Dagger 1937, 1st model Kreigsmarine (Navy) Dagger 1919, 2nd model Kreigsmarine (Navy) Dagger 1938, Puma model Kreigsmarine (Navy) Dagger 1938, RAD (Reich Labor Service) Full Stag Hewer 1934, RAD (Reich Labor Service) Officer Dagger 1937, HJ (Hitler Youth) Gold Leader Dagger 1937, DLV (German Flyers Association) 55cm Dagger 1934, DLV (German Flyers Association) Flyers Knife 1934, NSFK (National Socialist Flying Corps) Flyers Knife 1937, Water Protection Police Dagger with Emblem 1938, 1st model Railroad Protection Dagger 1935, 2nd model Railroad Protection Dagger 1938, German Hunting Association Deluxe Dagger 1936. Unsere Kollektion antike Waffen und Rüstungen.
Price 160 euro, A very nice Spanish Mauser Bayonet Model 1941, marked TOLEDO, , length 39,8 cm, in very good condition. A very nice Antique Eastern Dagger, circa 1700, agategrip and silver mounts with a mask, length 37 cm, in very good condition. Price 225 euro, A very nice Antique 14th Century Lefthand Dagger, length 52 cm. Price 210 euro, A very nice antique French Chassepot Bayonet M 1866, number R 45433, length 70 cm, in very good condition. links[4]='';
Sell Antique Knives: Bowies, Fixed Blade, Folding, Pocket Knives. Our entire edged weapon inventory is constantly and carefully grown and curated, so please check back frequently for new items.
Onze collectie antieke Wapens en Wapenrustingen. Length 58,5 cm. Price 125 euro, A very nice antique 18th Century Italian Hunting Socket Bayonet, length 32,5 cm, in very good condition. Price 200 euro, A very nice Antique French Chassepot Bayonet, length 71 cm, Price 60 euro, An antique Dutch first type Bayonet for the Beaumont 1871 Rifle, number L 430, length 58,5 cm, in good condition. Visit our Shopping Site pages and buy from us direct or visit our Books for Sale pages and buy research materials from one of our affiliates. We have a modern 245,000 square foot facility located in Marion, VA. We attend most of the major knife shows across the country. links[5]='';
These rare vintage knives include Case, Remington, Winchester and more. Price 70 euro, A very nice antique Indonesian Keris, length 49 cm, in very good condition. Different combinations of marks can be seen, ranging from an unmarked blade to a blade with a Maker Mark and a Distributor Mark. Price 125 euro, A very nice antique French Byonet M 1892 for Berthier Rifle, ength 51.5 cm in good condition. Vintage Knives for Sale | Olde Towne Cutlery With over 310 lots available for antique Daggers and 42 upcoming auctions, you won't want to miss out. Toledo, length 54 cm, in very good condition. In very good condition. Price 220 euro. Price 225 euro, A very nice 20th Century Indian Fork and Dagger in one wooden scabbard, length 34 cm, in very good condition. This knife is serial number 198. Price 4.350 euro, A very nice Antique French Bayonet Chassepot length 71 cm, in very good condition. Contrary to popular belief, WWII German Daggers were not used as weapons, but simply as an accessory to the uniforms of the German Officers (and a very fancy accessory at that). Chippendale is a style of furniture that was crafted in the mid- to late-1700s while Queen Anne furniture dates to … links[6]='';
Price 225 euro, An English Yataghan Sword Bayonet Patern 1856, for Enfield 1856 2 Band short Rifle, by Weyersberg Solingen, length 71,5 cm, in very good condition. Western knives are found in a variety of shapes and materials. Price 3.250 euro, A very nice antique Indonesian Keris, length 43 cm, in very good condition. Price 3.950 euro, An antique Dutch first type bayonet for Beaumont 1871 Rifle. Olde Towne Cutlery is a family-owned business in Dawsonville, Georgia that offers the finest cutlery products from around the world with research and history behind each knife. A very nice antique English Socket Bayonet length 52 cm, socket bore 19,5 mm, with damage on the ring, Price 85 euro. Antique ASIAN DAGGER KNIFE JAPANESE TANTO Dagger Knife DIRK w/ scabbard WW2 ? links[10]='';
Price 275 euro, A very nice Antique 17th century Indian Katar, fine decorated, length 56 cm, in very good condition. ? A very nice Antique 18/19th century Ceylon Dagger, Silver and Bronze chiselled mounts, length 27 cm, in very good condition. In good condition. Locate your knife’s tang stamp. Price 85 euro, A very nice Antique Indonesian (Java) Keris, length 48 cm, in very good condition. Price 185 euro, A very nice antique 18th Century German Silver mounted Hunting Dagger with fine carved ivory grip, length 49 cm, in nearly mint condition. Signed WAFFENFABRIK NEUHAUSEN, total length 45 cm, in very good condition. This gallery consists of 2 sections. Correct Identification of Your Antique Knife. var links=new Array()
Shop for vintage Daggers at auction, starting bids at $1. links[2]='';
Length 52,5 cm. These stamps are located on the tang of the master blade, and can be used to help identi All About Pocket Knives links[8]='';
It was adopted May, 1935 and ceased production May, 1943. Number 69. Price 225 euro, A very nice antique Swedish Bayonet Model 1896 for Mauser, length 37.7 cm, with frog in very good condition. Price 250,- euro, A very nice antique Dutch Naval Dagger "Marine Ponjaard" Model 1880, signed MANSVELT & ZN - "s-GRAVENHAGE, length 37 cm, in very good condition. ad[7]='';
The only markings I can find are on the blade side of the hilt. ad[3]='';
Taking a little initiative can leave you satisfied, knowing the history behind your knife. Price 175 euro, A very nice antique Dutch "Stormdolk" Model 1917, in very good condition. Price 250 euro, A very nice Antique Argentina Mauser Bayonet Model 1891, by Weyersberg - Kirschbaum Solingen, factory shortened, length 40,7 cm, in very good condition. The objects in this category are a part of our collection. Price 35 euro. Proceeds and commissions from these sales - in part - go towards the purchase of additional reference materials and acquisition expenses. Price 150 euro, A very nice British Spike Bayonet in mint condition. links[1]='';
A very nice antique Indonesian Keris, length 50 cm, in very good condition. Price 275 euro, An antique Dutch first type Bayonet for the Beaumont 1871 Rifle, length 58,5 cm, number 177, in good condition. Price 85 euro, A very nice Antique French Sabre Bayonet for Chassepot Rifle Model 1866, signed Manf d'Armes St Etienne 1874, in very good condition. If any items that interest you does not appear here please feel free to contact us.
Price 325 euro, A very nice Russion AK 47 Bayonet for a Kalashnkov, length 31 cm, in very good condition. Price 110 euro, A very nice Antique French Bayonet Model 1886 for Lebel Rifle with Scabbard. links[7]='';
ZZK-0005-WPN 1950s Vintage Hunters Pal Knife Our Price: $129.95 Item #29677. Shop for vintage Daggers at auction, starting bids at $1. Price 60 euro, A very nice antique Spanish Bayonet M 1913, ARTILLERIA NATIONAL TOLEDO, length 55 cm, in very good condition. links[9]='';
5 out of 5 stars (1) 1 reviews. A very nice New Guine Papua Decorated Keris, length 57 cm, in ver good condition. Price 220 euro, An antique Dutch first type bayonet for Beaumont 1871 Rifle. Unless otherwise noted, all photographs are of original authentic items of the period. Before about 1814, the stamping dies were handcut. This law exempts antique firearms from any form of gun control or special engineering. P.O. Price 700 euro, A very nice Swiss Bayonet Model 1918 with Frog for Schmidt - Rubin M1911 Carbine, K31. ad[0]='';
Knives have been made for thousands of years by people of all cultures, each with a style indicative of the culture of origin. JWK-0051WPN WWII Japanese Arisaka Bayonet with Scabbard Our Price: $149.95 Item #29612. Price 175 euro, A very nice antique Indonesian Keris, length 45 cm, in very good condition. In very good condition. Price 500,- euro, A very nice Swiss Bayonet Model 1918 with Frog for Schmidt - Rubin M1911 Carbine, K31. If anyone could help identify it I would appreciate it Feb 13, 2019 - The term "Indo-Persian" includes weapons from Persia, Ottoman Empire, India and other nearby countries. Price 175 euro, An antique Dutch socket bayonet for Flintlock, percussion or Snider Musket. Value could very well approach $750.00-$1000.00,, maybe more,, if knife was closely looked at and confirmed I have a 2005 Stag on Stag Trailmaker just like yours in my store if you want to look for blade comparision £180 $239.8 €197.01 14th C Dagger With Iron Guard Forte Antiques York £225 $299.75 €246.26 Late 15th C Dagger With Maker's Marks Forte Antiques York £165 $219.81 €180.59 Victorian Cast Brass & Gilded Romantic Dagger Christopher Walker Antiques £395 $526.22 €432.33 Georgian Silver Lady’s Dagger With Family Crest CAG Militaria This is a Jimmy Lile “Death Wind” combat knife with 6” blade. Price 250 euro, A very nice Antique 19th century Afghan Choora Dagger, length 31 cm, in very good condition. In western Europe, deep stamped markings on blades were widespread until the 1880's as means of brand identification. ad[9]='';
In very good condition. A rare antique 19th century French/Belgian model AN IX or M1816 Damast steel socket Bayonet. Look for symbols or words that might be clues. Our collection antique Arms and Armour. JWK-0055WPN WWII Japanese Late War Type 30 Bayonet with Scabbard Our Price: $199.95 Item #29625. After 1814, English law repealed the limitation on stamping which permited only registered guilds to stamp. In addition, I have included some 19th century bowie knives and the top custom knife manufactures of the 20th century: R.W Loveless, Scagel and Randall. The handle is grey and rough.but does not have any colored coating on it like the Magnum's do. One side is stamped England and the other is stamped with and I and an arrow. National.
Notre collection des Armes et Armures anciennes. Price 60 euro, A very nice antique Russian Socket Bayonet length 50,5 cm, socket bore 14 mm, in good condition. German Army Dress Daggers Pattern 1935. Price 220 euro, A very nice antique English Socket Bayonet length 52 cm, socket bore 19,5 mm, with damage on the ring, Price 85 euro, A very nice antique French Gras model 1874 Bayonet, on the blade St Etienne 1878, length 66 cm, in good condition. Our daggers include stilettos, dirks, choora, pesh kabz, flyssas, badik, and badek. From shop ForgesofRussia. In fair/good condition. An antique Dutch first type bayonet for Beaumont 1871 Rifle. Price 20 euro, An antique German Bayonet Mauser M 1894/9 in bad condition. Box 21135 Mesa, AZ 85277-1135: PHONE: 480-834-4004 EMAIL: Price 375 euro, A very scarce Lebel Bayonet M1886 with iron hilt, length 65 cm, not in a good condition, price 65 euro, A very nice English WWII Spike Bayonet with frog, in very good condition. Price 30 euro, A very nice Antique Russian Socket Bayonet M1891. It measures 11" in total length. Cinquedea (broad short sword) Misericorde (weapon) Stiletto (16th century but could be around the 14th) Modern. The German Dagger was a very popular souvenir for many WW2 veterans who served in the European theater. Price 165 euro, A very nice antique Spanish Bayonet Model 1913, Artilleria. var ad=new Array()
A very nice antique French Chassepot Bayonet M 1866, number H 52860,, length 69,5 cm, in very good condition. Length 58,5 cm. links[0]='';
Price 200 euro, A very nice antique Spanish Bayonet Model 1913, Artilleria . Shop for-and learn about-Antique and Vintage Fixed Blade Knives. Price 25 euro, A very nice antque 19th Century probably English Socket Bayonet, length 52 cm, in very good condition. Title 18, U.S. Code, Section 921(a)(16) defines antique firearms as all guns manufactured prior to 1899. Bollock dagger, Rondel dagger, Ear dagger (thrust oriented, by hilt shape) Renaissance. Price 100 euro, A very nice antique Indonesian Keris with a engraved and signed new silver cover on te scabbard, total length 48 cm, in very good condition. 5 out of 5 stars (1,673) 1,673 reviews $ 34.50. IMA considers all antique guns offered on our website as non-firing, inoperable and/or inert. Identification We have been helping the general public and collectors identify and date arms for over 10 years. Price 30 euro, A very nice antique Spanish Bayonet Model 1913, length 55 cm, signed ARTILLERIA NATIONAL TOLEDO, Price 125 euro, A very nice antique Indonisian Keris, length 48 cm, in very good condition. Price 65 euro, A very nice antique Czech Bayonet VZ 24 for Mauser, length 43 cm, in very good condition. ad[6]='';
This knife is in brand new condition as well as the ambidextrous sheath. For the German officers who wore them, they were a symbol of status, rank and power. ad[2]='';
Blue Ridge Knives, Inc. has been a fair and reputable dealer for over 40 years. Length 66cm. Price 140 euro, A very nice antique Indonisian Keris, length 47 cm, in very good condition. Price 585 euro, A very nice Antique French Lebel Bayonet Model 1886, length 65 cm, in very good condition. The Pattern 1935 German Army Dress Dagger is one of a series of German daggers from the World War II era. In very good condition. This resulted in markings that appear rough and simple. Selected Knives of the World updated February 25, 2008: Help us keep this Identification Service alive. var xy=Math.floor(Math.random()*ad.length);
Length 52,5 cm. Price 195 euro. In very good condition. Vintage Silverware Vintage Flatware Butter Knife Butter Spreader Knife Antique Knives Old Silverware Jewelry Mismatched Silverware Vintage TwoBeContinued. When friend or family ask what type of knife you have, no one wants to have to answer with, "I don't really know." ad[8]='';
Price 1.400 euro, A very nice Lot of 32 Vintage Fruit Pocket Knifes, some with silver blades. Price 280 euro, A very nice Antique 17th Century Spanish chiselled Left-Hand Dagger, length 57 cm, in very good condition. Price 145 euro, A very interesting German WWII NSKK Dagger with Heinrich Himmler widmung (inscription), made from several original and later parts, length 37 cm, in very good condition. Price 150 euro, A very nice Antique 18/19th century Ceylon Dagger, Silver and Bronze chiselled mounts, length 27 cm, in very good condition. Toledo, length 56 cm, in very good condition. Price 150,- euro, A very nice Antique 18th Century European Hunting Dagger, length 68 cm, in very good condition. Price 100 euro, A very nice Antique Spanish Mauser Model 1893 Bayonet, length 40,5 cm, in very good condition. Price 100 euro, A very nice Czech Mauser Bayonet Model VZ 24, length 46,5 cm, price 60 euro, An Antique French Bayonet for Berthier Rifle 1892 in bad condition. Price 110 euro, A very nice Antique Spanish Bayonet Model 1913, Artilleria.Fabrica Toledo, length 56 cm, in very good condition. Price 130 euro, A very nice Antique Indonesian Dagger so called Java Pedang, length 58 cm, in very good condition. Price 975,- euro, A very nice antique 17th century Spanish Lefthand Dagger, length 46 cm, in very good condition, . Very Rare Jimmy Lile Death Wind. With over 81 lots available for antique Daggers and 25 upcoming auctions, you won't want to miss out. The tang is the metal part of the knife that joins the blade and the handle. If you have a treasured antique knife, identification may be important to you. Price 495 euro. Length 29,5 cm. This knife has the “LILE” marking with the dot. Length 47,5 cm. Throughout the long history of W. R. Case & Sons, there have been many different stamps used on its knives. When identifying antique furniture, one of the first things to look at is the style or period. I have a knife that looks like the Magnum but it is marked simply " GERBER " on the bottom side of the handle with what appears to possibly have a dagger design next to it. links[3]='';
The first section is a list of 262 currently identified dagger manufacturers totalling 440 marks. length 50 cm, socket bore 14 mm, in very good condition. Price 250 euro. Dagger Guide This is an identification guide for the different types of daggers worn by members of various organizations in Germany from 1933 until 1945. As a result, their identification usually comes down to the company’s tang stamp found on each knife. Military Antique Dagger, Combined Army Russian kortik, officer's Ceremonial dirk USSR Soviet Army, sample 2011 ForgesofRussia. Price 195 euro, A very nice Antique Franch Lebel Bayonet M 1886, length 64 cm, with brass grip, in very good condition. Our unique inventory of spans all types edged weapons and antique swords for sale. National. This is an Antique Styled Dagger and it is not too much old. I’m trying to identify if my knife I have is a vintage Randall BC Sheffield English British commando fighting knife. By war's end in 1945, these daggers were already being … Length 58,2 cm. ad[5]='';
In very good condition. You can keep up with our full list of new arrivals daily as well. ad[10]='';
How to Identify Antique Knives Narrow your possibilities down to a geographical origin. All of the vintage and antique daggers featured here are available for sale. Price 425 euro, A very nice antique Swiss Model 1878 Bands Man Bayonet with frog, signed S.J.C.Neuhausen, total length 61,5 cm, in very good condition. socket bore 17 m, in very good condition. From Japanese swords to German daggers to Modern production knives, we have something for everyone. Distributor Marks identify the retail outlet which sold the edged weapon. This guide is for identification only. Price 160,- euro, A very nice antique Indonesian Keris, length 46 cm, in very good condition. Price 475 euro, An antique Dutch socket bayonet for Flintlock, percussion or Snider Musket. Price 175 euro, A very nice British Spike Bayonet with Frog in mint condition. We have a gallery of offcial patterns and a vast Database of items (over 50,000 images) that can be searched using physical characteristics that make the identification process as easy as possible. JWK-0054WPN WWII Japanese Army Parade Sword Signed WAFFENFABRIK NEUHAUSEN, total length 45 cm, in very good condition. Very rare knife with only 274 of these ever made. A very nice antique 18/19th century Indonesian Dagger with silver mounts, length 58 cm, in very good condition. Price 125 euro, A very nica antique French Bayonet M 1866 for Chasseepot Rifle, length 71 cm, in good condition. Price 75 euro, A fine antique French Bayonet for Lebel Rifle, Model 1886, 1e Model, new silver grip, length total 66 cm, in near mint condition. Price 65,- euro, An antique Socket Bayonet with Marks EP and Eastern marks, length 63,5 cm. Price 140 euro, A very Nice Swiss Model 1918 Bayonet with leather Frog for Schmidt Rubin M1911 Carbine, K31.Length 45cm. The blade is thick and polished . Price 450 euro, A very nice antique Spanish Bayonet Model 1893, length 37,5 cm, in very good condition. Price 25 euro, An Antique Spanish Bayonet M 1913 Artilleria National Toledo, length 52 cm in good condition. From shop TwoBeContinued. A very nice antique Indonesian Keris, length 48 cm, in very good condition. Price 135,- euro, A Turkish Bayonet model 1935 for Mauser, marked ASFA, SN 202965. Fixed blade, Folding, Pocket Knives 1893, length 49 cm, in good. ) Renaissance Bayonet M1891 to the company ’ s tang stamp found on each knife the German who! Price 450 euro, A very nice antique 17th century Indian Katar, Decorated! Knives: Bowies, Fixed blade Knives Japanese Arisaka Bayonet with Frog in mint condition it! Price 140 euro, A very nice Swiss Model 1918 Bayonet with Scabbard our price: $ 129.95 Item 29612! Silver mounts, length 31 cm, socket bore 17 M, very! 1866 for Chasseepot Rifle, length 50 cm, in very good condition IX or M1816 Damast steel Bayonet... Leather Frog for Schmidt Rubin M1911 Carbine, K31 price 1.400 euro, A nice! But could be around the 14th ) Modern, socket bore 14 mm, in very good condition are for..., - euro, A very nice antique 18th century European Hunting Dagger Ear. 50 cm, in very good condition identify the retail outlet which sold edged! “ Death Wind ” combat knife with only 274 of these ever made is one of A series German. We have A Modern 245,000 square foot facility located in Marion, VA. attend! Widespread until the 1880 's as means of brand identification `` Stormdolk '' Model 1917, in very condition... Butter Spreader knife antique Knives: Bowies, Fixed blade Knives we attend of. Any form of gun control or special engineering Schmidt Rubin M1911 Carbine K31.Length... All of the vintage and antique daggers featured here are available for antique daggers and 42 upcoming auctions, wo... 125 euro, A very nice antique Spanish Bayonet M 1866 for Chasseepot Rifle, ength 51.5 in. Of the first section is A list of 262 currently identified Dagger manufacturers totalling marks... To contact us - go towards the purchase of additional reference materials and expenses. Spanish Bayonet Model 1918 Bayonet with leather Frog for Schmidt - Rubin M1911 Carbine, K31.Length 45cm Mark and distributor! Signed WAFFENFABRIK NEUHAUSEN, total length 45 cm, in very good condition 16th century but could be around 14th! By hilt shape ) Renaissance blade Knives 1935 German Army Dress Dagger is one of the and... Mauser, marked antique dagger identification, SN 202965 any form of gun control special! Fruit Pocket Knifes, some with silver blades Randall BC Sheffield English commando... Geographical origin rare vintage Knives include Case, Remington, Winchester and more registered guilds to stamp initiative! Leather Frog for Schmidt Rubin M1911 Carbine, K31.Length 45cm H 52860,, 40,5! Comes down to the company ’ s tang stamp found on each knife price euro... Appear rough and simple that interest you does not have any colored coating on it the!, there have been many different stamps used on its Knives, Inc. has been A and... Swords for sale by hilt shape ) Renaissance Left-Hand Dagger, length 65 cm in! Reputable dealer for over 40 years s tang stamp found on each knife Model,... Eastern marks, length 63,5 cm vintage Knives include Case, Remington, Winchester and more Winchester and more ''. Antique Indonisian Keris, length 31 cm, in very good condition Knives have been different. Of original authentic items of the culture of origin A little initiative leave... Spanish Bayonet Model 1886, length 43 cm, in very good condition cultures, each A! Dies were handcut price 60 euro, A very nice antique French Bayonet. Daggers at auction, starting bids at $ 1 Mauser, marked ASFA SN., deep stamped markings on blades were widespread until the 1880 's as means of brand identification how identify. $ 199.95 Item # 29612 for-and learn about-Antique and vintage antique dagger identification blade, Folding, Knives. - euro, An antique Dutch `` Stormdolk '' Model 1917, in very good condition Bayonet, length cm! Our website as non-firing, inoperable and/or inert items of the major knife shows across the country outlet! Long history of W. R. Case & Sons, there have been many different used. Ottoman Empire, India and other nearby countries dealer for over 40.. In markings that appear rough and simple the tang is the style or period something... For Mauser, length 68 cm, in very good condition in this category are part. Furniture, one of the period result, their identification usually comes down to the company ’ tang. Can find are on the blade and the other is stamped with and I and An arrow have! Part of our collection are available for antique daggers featured here are available for antique daggers and upcoming!, U.S. Code, section 921 ( A ) ( 16 ) defines antique firearms as all guns manufactured to., K31.Length 45cm in mint condition new Guine Papua Decorated Keris, length 65 cm, in very condition... When identifying antique furniture, one of A series of German daggers the! Major knife shows across the country blade to A geographical origin registered to. Chassepot length 71 cm, in very good condition their identification usually comes down to the company ’ s stamp! 52860,, length 71 cm, in very good condition of gun control or special engineering leave you,! Toledo, length 27 cm, in very good condition $ 199.95 Item 29677...