Words that end in -ista as the equivalent of the English "-ist. In a 16-year follow-up study (ending in 1998) of 3,686 Danish men and women aged 30–71 years at recruitment, the association between energy intake from dietary fat and the risk of coronary heart disease was evaluated while assessing the possible modifying role of gender and age. Every word on this site is valid scrabble words. Translate Aje. Some linguists don’t treat the ending -ón in these words as being an augmentative suffix, and they consider these words as new terms that denote something bigger. Every word on this site can be used while playing scrabble. Nouns ending in -o, an accented vowel, -or, or -aje are usually masculine. There are words with both genders, and the meanings are the same for each gender, e.g. language and Sp. DAD, TAD, TUD. When we see a word ending in -O, it is safe to assume that it is probably a masculine word: el vino, el destino, el libro; Ending in -OR: el amor, el dolor, el pastor (exceptions: la flor y la labor) Ending in - AJE and -AN: el traje, el pan; Numbers and colours: el cinco, el rojo Words ending in aje are masculine ; Words ending in ie are feminine; There are words with both genders, and the meanings are different depending on the gender, e.g. Masculine Endings-aje Set the length of the word or leave it arbitrary. casete, interrogante. List of all 6-letter words ending with sequence LACE. The table below show examples of masculine words with the endings listed above. This should not make any difference to you when you are studying new vocabulary or practicing word formation, because both endings are exactly the same. The main goal of hyphenating a term is to prevent confusion on the part of the reader. -aje", of Part II of the open-source textbook Spanish-English Cognates: An Unconventional Introduction to Spanish Linguistics.] lenguaje: words ending in Eng. Spanish nouns ending in -aje are almost always masculine in gender. List all words ending with age sorted by length or by how common the words are. The general rule states that all Spanish nouns are masculine or feminine. It hurts me in my soul to see so much poverty. List all words starting with age, words containing age or words ending with age. For example, la foto (photograph) is feminine because it's short for la fotografía. Learn this spelling list using the 'Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check' activity. Now look at this example for words ending -tis or -sis: Javier ha hecho una te sis sobre un tema difícil de biología. Names of rivers, lakes, and oceans are usually masculine; names of mountains are usually feminine. In the section you will find free tools for word search in accordance with this criterion. Find your perfect word for Scrabble or Words with Friends now! 6 Letter Words Ending with aje: 6 Letter Words Ending with aje: 7 Letter Words Ending with aje: 7 Letter Words Ending with aje: List of Words Containing aje: Words Containing aje: List of Anagrams of aje: Anagrams of aje: List of Words Formed by Letters of aje: Words Created From aje: aje … : las personas, una falda, la manzana; Some notable exceptions that end in -a but are masculine are el programa, un sistema, unos mapas, el día, el planeta; Most words ending in -o, -aje and -or are masculine, e.g. Ending Found 43 words with the letters AJETMG. Words ending in-o are generally masculine, while ones ending in-a are generally feminine.. : un teatro, el coraje, el esplendor Javier has written a dissertation about a difficult topic in biology. Start studying Spanish Masculine/Feminine Words Ending in -E. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. In the models used, total energy and protein intake were fixed. Not all words ending in -ma are masculine. Hyphen (-)-- (punctuation mark) a symbol that joins words that have a … Test yourself using the 'Listen and Spell' spelling test. Examples: El rubí [the ruby] El tabú [the taboo] Nouns ending in -aje, -ambre, and -or are usually masculine. La canción = song; La solución = solution; La televisión = television; La versión = version; HEADS UP! The underlying words are feminine, but for phonetic reasons, they take masculine articles. H. Helping verb-- see auxiliary verb. Also, there are not so many words that end with -aje in Spanish anyways, so it's going to be mostly words that end in -a(e)ndo like "aprendiendo". The articles which accompany a masculine noun are el (definite) / uno (indefinite), while the feminine ones are la (definite) / una (indefinite). List of all words ending with sequence JE. See other lists, starting with or containing letters of your choice. The hyphen (-) is used to join multiple words into a compound. [GO TO … Algunos alumnos han presentado sus te sis esta mañana. Some students gave a … This page is designed for these purposes. Find your perfect word for Scrabble or Words with Friends now! Some hyphenated words are found in the dictionary, but others are simply formed by convention.Here are some guidelines for deciding whether to hyphenate a term that you are using in your writing. Use the list: Words ending in age. Words ending with .. age; Word Search by Letters. Spelling games using the word list: Words ending in age. The following 197 pages are in this category, out of 197 total. Print worksheets and activities using the word list: Words ending in age The two words below are exceptions as well, but of a different sort. Typically, words ending in -aje, -mento, -miento, -ismo are masculine and those ending in -ción, -sión, -ad, -ancia, -encia, -eza, -ía, -ia, -ura are feminine. Find words that start with AJE grouped by word length and points for Scrabble, Words With Friends, Word Chums, and more games! Words formed from any letters in age, plus an optional blank or existing letter. el alma Me duele en el alma ver tanta pobreza. When we see a word ending in -O, it is safe to assume that it is probably a masculine word: el vino, el destino, el libro; Ending in -OR: el amor, el dolor, el pastor (exceptions: la flor y la labor) Ending in -AJE and -AN: el traje, el pan; Numbers and colours: el cinco, el rojo In addition, there is an exception for short forms of feminine words and some nouns ending in o. As in the case of English, there aren’t that many words that contain the suffix ‑aje in Spanish, either transparently as in the word ramaje or opaquely as in the word garaje.If one looks at words that end in ‑aje in Spanish by looking at the DRAE’s inverse/reverse dictionary, one gets 325 results, all but half a dozen of which can be recognized as having the suffix ‑aje.