Ultimate Guide To Veterinary Dental Home Care. It depends. That’s quite a large proportion of dogs! High in nutrition: Antlers are packed with healthy minerals your dog needs, like calcium, potassium, iron and zinc. Here, we’ll discuss deer antlers as chew toys, as well some safer alternatives. Claiming that the evidence is purely anecdotal and therefore of no value would be a bit like saying that your leg broke when you fell from a second floor window, but that the fall can’t be pinned down as the exact cause. But what do you really know about them. Bones, antlers, rawhide, and even Nylabones are all controversial when used as chew toys for dogs, and they all carry potential health risks. In the UK, for example, shed antlers will sometimes have mouse tooth marks in them. The problem with using only anecdotal evidence is that you only get negative views, people will complain when things go wrong. J Vet Dent 2013, Dogs Love These Chews, But They Fracture Teeth Like Crazy. Or after the application of some form of alternative therapy or product such as ‘body wraps’ for example. When purchasing from a retailer, make sure the antlers are NATURAL ANTLERS – cuz we all know how manufacturers like to … Because in this instance I believe that the anecdotal evidence we have here is quite useful. That event might be the consumption of a particular drug, plant, or chemical. Our shiba likes it very much. Will not splinter or split. If you do decide to give antlers to your dog, we strongly recommend you insure him and make sure he is covered for dental treatment by your policy. Vet Brett Beckham has produced a fact sheet for dog owners on avoiding tooth fractures. The antlers are shed antlers, meaning the animal already naturally shed them. Reindeer are interesting in that they are the only deer family in which both males and females grow antlers. As far as we can tell at the current time, it sadly looks as though antler dog chews may be something you should avoid giving to your four-legged friends. Then turn around and recommend all these “approved” synthetic name brand products instead. He was quite please with himself. And that the sensible answer to the question, “Are antlers safe for dogs to chew?” is no. But it does have the potential to be misused and can be misleading. My dog loves his antler. I think I will stick to what mother nature has given us instead of nylon or plastic…. They are still very hard and present many of the same problems as other types of antlers. In my video from a couple weeks ago I showed the pups with antlers. This article has been revised and updated for 2019. Dog Antlers As Chew Toys? Pippa Mattinson is the best selling author of The Happy Puppy Handbook, the Labrador Handbook, Choosing The Perfect Puppy, and Total Recall. Frequently, anecdotal evidence involves a pet owner observing either illness or improving health after a particular event. The antlers of many species of deer are made from real bone. First, let’s talk about different types of antlers, and whether that makes a difference in the safety of antlers for dogs. Typically, elk antlers are a little softer and easier on the teeth than deer antler dog chews. Let’s dig a little deeper into the safety issues. Do Dogs Like Music? Antlers, however, are rather different. If you’re looking for a long lasting chew, antlers can be a good choice. She is also the founder of the Gundog Trust and the Dogsnet Online Training Program, Pippa's online training courses were launched in 2019 and you can find the latest course dates on the Dogsnet website. But a great many vets consider those causes to include chewing on very hard objects. It may also be that some dogs are more at risk than others. Well, some vets have obviously never seen a tooth fracture associated with antler chews. A broken tooth is extremely painful and can sometimes become abscessed. Why Do Dogs Eat Grass And Is Eating Grass Bad For Them? Male Dog Names – The Top 50 Names For 2019. Sustainable and humane: Deer and elk shed their antlers in a natural process with no harm to the animal. The Veterinary Nurse 2017, Bellows, J. Indeed, anecdotal evidence often points us in the direction of where a product or procedure might be worth investigating further. This article claims to take both sides of the argument into account but relies heavily on anecdotal evidence on one side only. Dog breeds like the Australian Shepherds, and Alaskan Malamutes, can be safe for antlers. I am so glad I read this. Please see our Dog Treat Size Chart for more information. Feeding Your Labrador Puppy: How Much, Diet Charts And The Best... Major extra-oral or body-wide issues such as toxicity, esophageal or gastrointestinal obstruction or perforation, or gross nutritional imbalance. The main discussion seems to be about deer antlers for dogs. By safe, they mean that the product won’t cause the following: Each product has to pass two separate trials (carried out on different dogs) in order to pass. Anecdotal evidence can be a tricky subject. I’m talking about deer or elk antlers used as chew toys. Are Antlers Safe for Dogs? And there are still more sorts of antlers to choose from, such as moose. While many people have given their dogs antlers to chew on without incident, there are risks that can be expensive to treat. When trying antlers for dogs, you just want to make sure you always monitor your dog while chewing (don’t let them chew too aggressively for long periods of time) and if it’s a puppy with puppy teeth or an older dog with older teeth, maybe try a less dense antler, it will be easier on the teeth. Apple Cider Vinegar For Dogs – Does It Really Work? What is your take? The tooth might have been cracked already, for example. Antler chews are also full of nutrients such as calcium. Does My Dog Love Me: Signs Your Dog Loves You, Labernese – A Complete Guide To The Bernese Mountain Dog Lab Mix. You need to make a judgement call on behalf of your pet. The broken tooth may be obvious for all to see. So, let’s dive in and see what problems antlers can cause. No chemicals, dyes, or preservatives. After my dog’s short-lived antler chew experience, I reached out to a trusted group of board-certified veterinary dentists and asked for their opinions on antler chews for dogs. The main concern for most pet owners and vets is the hardness of antlers and whether they will damage a dog’s teeth. They can break their teeth on anything, just like humans. Eko spent the entire week chomping on his prize, In fact, Eko spent over two years gnawing that bad boy down. However, it isn’t necessary for a raw fed dog to eat very hard bones, such as antlers or the weight bearing leg bones of larger mammals. Antlers are a healthy and stimulating treat for your dog to sink their teeth into. For raw fed dogs, bones are a necessary part of their diet. Rule of paw: don’t buy any chew toy that you wouldn’t want to be whacked in the knee with. You may have heard that cows’ horns are made from a substance called keratin, similar to your own nails and hair. The likelihood is that the fall and the break were inextricably linked. Keep Your Dog Safe with His Antler Chew The usual caveats apply – you want to supervise your pup when they try their antler, and you want to check with your vet to make sure your pup’s teeth/gums are healthy and undamaged. As your dog grinds their deer antler down, they will be treated to bits and pieces of the goodness inside. Dogs will work their way through chew toys quickly. It helps keep their teeth clean, and it expends energy and keeps the dog out of trouble and out from under foot. Any treatment that is needed will need to take place under a general anesthetic. Like broken bones, broken teeth may often, but not always, have dramatic symptoms. They seem pretty tough as well, UNTIL you microwave them, and then they are much more porous and break much easier. There is also the chance that the damage has extended to the tooth pulp and the gums. This means that the anecdotal evidence we are hearing from many vets around the country, with regard to the link between antlers and broken teeth, is actually quite valuable. What you will find are many vets and dog experts telling you not to give antlers to your dog. But because they are considered a novel protein, once a dog is given this as a treat, Venison can no longer be considered a novel protein for that dog. This makes it much more difficult to find a novel protein if needed in the future for skin or intestinal issues. Numerous well-respected vet sites claim that chewing on very hard objects, including antlers, are the primary source of tooth fractures in dogs, along with rough play. Having worked in the industry for a number of years I have only heard of 2 dogs with broken teeth from chewing on an antler and one of those was an elderly dog. I buy my antlers through ebay. But the chances are it was not. Wild-shed antlers, or antlers that animals in the deer family lose naturally with age and seasons, can be dangerous for your dog. The three main reasons for this include dental health, internal damage, and oral punctures. So that would suggest that such fractures are not an everyday occurrence. For those worried about their pup’s teeth, I recommend starting with a “soft” core. The Labrador Site is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.co.uk. a list of products that it has approved as safe. As antlers are very hard, if your dog is particularly aggressive when it comes to chewing, he will be at risk of fracturing his teeth. I have been meaning to write an article on this topic for several years, as it’s one that comes up frequently in our forum. In and of themselves, antlers are neither good nor bad for your dog. They can also be sharp enough to cause oral puncture injuries. As mentioned before, when it comes to the safety of antlers for dogs, there is neither much evidence, nor much research. Before you do that, it is worth considering the outcome of a tooth fracture for your dog. What about split antlers , they are cut in half lengthways to expose the marrow. Puppies and elderly dogs may have less robust health systems and softer teeth. However, the weight of opinion seems to be falling into the NO camp. With anecdotal evidence for the causes of dental fractures, however, we are on somewhat firmer ground. But are they safe? Therefore, the common-sense answer to the question “Are antlers safe for dogs to chew” is probably “No.” There is a strong chance that a dog can chew on antlers on a number of occasions without experiencing fractures. All we can do is talk about the anecdotal evidence. But you can’t just sit a dog in the dentist’s chair and ask him to open wide. Was thinking about getting antlers for our dogs, but now I am rethinking it. Giving your dog an outlet to satisfy their chewing instincts is a great thing, but it’s important to choose products which are safe. Reindeer antlers are also incredibly hard, and will still present much the same issues for dogs and their teeth as other types of antlers. Let’s dig in to get a more complete picture. If your dog is old or has dental problems don’t give them an antler. Cleans your dog's teeth as they chew. There are multiple reputable shops which allow to you pick size, and more importantly, toughness. Reindeer antlers are a slightly less popular variant of antler chews for dogs. The fact is, we just don’t know for sure. Antlers are an excellent tool for dogs with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. The safety (or not) of antlers for dogs is an interesting subject. So why exactly are antlers so hard? So you are talking about the risk and expense of a general anesthetic, plus the cost of removing the tooth or, in some cases, repairing it. Therefore, antlers are probably not safe for puppies and older dogs. And a great many websites promoting antlers for dog. The best way to care for your dog while having fun with deer antlers is to ask your vet about the many medicinal benefits. And that is a conservative estimate. You can read our toy reviews in this section of the website. I also saw Yak Milk treats. No, not like that! No, deer antlers are not completely safe for dogs. And my personal feeling is that we should pay attention. And rather like the discussion on raw food, it’s one that even vets don’t always agree on. Unlike most horns, antlers are usually shed each year, and a new set grows in their place. Chewing on dog antler treats isn’t any different then dogs chewing on other bones or hard substances. On top of that, we think that there are plenty of alternatives that will provide your dog with just as much pleasure. I’ve been giving my puppy antler chews specifically for her size. The main reason for this is that there aren’t many studies on whether antlers are good for dogs, or whether they are not. Is this something that we can look up online? Weigh up the pros and cons of antler dog chews for yourself. She is the founder of the Labrador Site and a regular contributor. The problems with anecdotal evidence arise because it can be difficult to prove that the event in the dog’s life was caused by, rather than simply associated with, the therapy. The fact is, no one knows for sure. Since antlers are naturally shed every year by moose, elk, and other wild deer, you can feel good about buying them, but not as great as your dog will feel as he enjoys gnawing on these incredibly durable and flavorful chews. informative article of the risks, but as a purist, I’d rather her chew organic products rather than plastic as she tears into it and ingests toxins. Older dogs also shouldn’t have them as their teeth weaken with age. Plus, strong chewing dogs will … Antlers are also known to improve a dog’s coat. If you want a softer antler try fallow. For other dogs, it's simply an entertaining behavior. If the fracture is bad enough, you may even need to use a feeding tube to ensure that your dog gets enough nutrients while he heals. the incidence of tooth fractures in dogs. The reason dogs love antlers is the tasty/healthy marrow on the inside. The Labrador Site is also a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. This article is definitely not balanced in any way. I find it interesting how so many vet sites will claim a pure natural antler is dangerous. So you'll think, why not? This is out of thousands of antlers sold. It is also advised to regularly check your antler chew over for any sharp edges. And the answer is—probably not. Yes, they are real deer and elk antlers. You are not going to see much change from $1000. Only bought them once… still wondering about them. You can also find split antlers, which enables the dog to get at the marrow inside easier. They unanimously (there was not one dissenter) agreed that antlers are a sure way to fracture a dog’s teeth. Pippa Mattinson is the best selling author of several books on dogs. Since antlers are made of bone, they are just as safe for your dog to eat as any other type of animal bone. The VOHC has a list of products that it has approved as safe for dogs to chew. however, breeds such as elk antlers and mule deer antlers are safe for them to chew as they do not split in the same way. Will not splinter or split. No chemicals, dyes, or preservatives. They are a bony outgrowth of the animal’s skull and are quite unique in that respect. But at the end of the day, it all boils down to one question—are antlers safe for your dog? In other words, there’s possibly a strong chance that your dog might be able to chew on antlers on a number of occasions without suffering a tooth fracture. And we do often caution our readers against using only anecdotal evidence, to underpin important decisions about their dogs’ health. New antlers also reproduce every year in a highly sustainable cycle. Since awareness of this problem was first raised in the veterinary press in 2013, they state, there has been a “large increase in cases seen of fractured carnassial (and other) teeth by dogs chewing on antlers and other hard toys.”. And there’s divided opinions on deer antlers for dogs versus elk antlers for dogs, and other varieties. These breeds have well developed bodies and do not suffer from many of the problems that larger breeds have, like underdeveloped necks, or musculature that does not work the same way. Yes, antlers are safe. We ensure that all our health articles are evidence-based, and factual claims are supported by research. Even though antlers may seem like a wonder treat, they come with their risks. Are Deer Antlers Safe for Dogs? Antlers certainly aren’t for every dog (especially overly-aggressive chewers) but for many pups antlers are a great substitute for the traditional dog bone. And turn our attention to the vets who are telling us what they are seeing in their surgeries. One of the notable features of antlers, compared with other non weight bearing bones, is their hardness. After deer/elk shed their antlers, people gather them, cut them and sell them directly. Let’s take a look at what evidence exists, and discuss the topic in detail. There are a wide range of alternative softer source of bone, such as ribs, or the bones of smaller animals. Generally speaking, the treatment for your dog will be just like it would be for you. That’s true, though horns do also have a lining of bone inside them. They're very hard, so the dogs really have to work at them. First, let’s talk about who antlers are definitely not safe for. Don't miss out on the perfect companion to life with a purrfect friend. I first discovered antlers… well actually, Eko first discovered antlers. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t valuable. With a high splitting potential and the chance that they carry diseases found in wild deer and elk, wild shed antlers—while free and convenient—aren’t the ideal chew toy for your furry friend. Veterinary News 2017, Quest, B. Deer antlers and other hooved mammal horns are an all-natural dog chew treat that serves as a tooth-cleaning alternative to natural and synthetic dog bones. I believe that hard plastic or nylon chews, sterilized bones, cow hooves and antlers are too hard to be safe for most dogs. After all, they’re natural and “sustainably harvested” (elk and deer shed their antlers naturally). Excessively hard chew toys are a common cause of broken teeth in dogs. She is passionate about helping people enjoy their Labradors and lives in Hampshire with her husband and four dogs. Will the antlers ever powder in the gut causing a bowel obstruction – similar to what dry, white bones can cause? And many dogs seem to really like the taste. There could be another cause. Antler treats are safe for your dog to eat. Does the dog in your life have a cat in theirs? They are all natural and provide beneficial nutrients for your dog. It isn’t just carnivores that like antlers. But they will still likely chew on the rest of it, so it doesn’t take away the concern about broken teeth. These are what I buy for Eko and Penny. They’re long lasting, have no smell/residue, and the dogs love them. Antlers are rock hard, and strong chewing dogs will bite down on antlers with all their might. And because it can often be difficult for the owner of a dog to make an objective and measured assessment of how their own dog is feeling, or how his health improving or declining. So are antlers safe for dogs? When out walking, Eko dashed off and came back with an antler he discovered in the field. Antlers are a durable chew for dogs. In severe cases, stabilization of the fractured tooth may require wires and pins. Antlers are expensive, but I’ve found them to be well-worth the cost. Your vet may disagree! And when I used to only have one antler, Eko would give me the saddest looks when it was time to share with Penny. This is how teeth are broken or gums are lacerated. If your dog fractures a tooth, he or she will be in considerable pain. But the potential problems remain. Deer antlers: a zoological curiosity or the key to understanding organ regeneration in mammals? Unfortunately, antlers aren’t as safe as many people believe them to be. Well done article, thank you for staying fact based! After being shed, antlers are often picked up and gnawed by wild animals. Khuly P. Complicated Dental Tooth Fractures. a fact sheet for dog owners on avoiding tooth fractures. You can also join in a discussion on this topic over on the forum. We do also need to consider that nutrients and taste are not the only reason dogs like antlers. As far as we can tell at the current time, it sadly looks as though antler dog chews may be something you should avoid giving to your four-legged friends. Are antlers digestible? Here at the Labrador Site, we have decided not to give our dogs antlers, as we feel that the risks of tooth fractures is too great. If this is a risk you want to avoid, you’ll need to think of alternatives that fulfill the same purpose as chewing on an antler for your dog. As with any chew toy, selecting the right size for you dog is important to reduce the chance of your pet choking. When this happens, it usually means that there aren’t any such sources! There are two main factors to consider – one, how hard your dog chews, and two, how hard the antler is. The antler will wear down quickly, but it will also be easiest on teeth. So what are the arguments against indulging your dog in this happy pursuit? And that the sensible answer to the question, “Are antlers safe for dogs to chew?” is no. I believe that hard plastic or nylon chews, sterilized bones, cow hooves and antlers are too hard to be safe for most dogs. Including toys, bone, and antlers. Our Labby didn’t like it until he saw the shiba eat it. So, whether antlers are safe for your dog will depend on your individual dog. Merck Vet Manual. Although deer antlers may keep your dog entertained, they aren’t the safest option for your dog. The general consensus is, “Better safe than sorry.”. While staying on a friend’s farm in Montana Eko had free range of the property. What do they get from eating them? The recommendations include avoiding antlers, and giving your dog products approved by the Veterinary Oral Health Council (VOHC). But wait! The Grade C and D are worst. And can you give your dog reindeer antlers? They weren't killed for their antlers. Like a sponge. Are Antlers Safe For Your Dog? Assess the risks, and decide on your dog’s behalf. But only a little. If everything goes well, you can try “medium” cores. Keep Your Dog Safe with Antler Chews As with any chew toy, be sure to monitor your dog as they chew antlers. It’s important to pick the right chew based on your dogs chew style. In the instance that you ever have specific health concerns for your dog like: digestive issues, pre-existing conditions, kidney stones, or allergies; please talk with your vet before you make the decision to by antlers for your dog. Dr. Becker recommends buying chews that have little flexibility. Antlers are very hard indeed. Those antlers don’t come out until December. These small pieces are completely safe for dogs to eat and are completely digestible. When you have a situation where even experts disagree, and where the evidence is lacking, much of the responsibility shifts to you as the pet owner. Well, antlers are a source of minerals such as calcium and phosphorus. For other dogs, it's simply an entertaining behavior. Excessively hard chew toys are a common cause of broken teeth in dogs. Nov 5, 2019 - Learn why our antlers are a safe, all-natural, superior choice for your dog. Vet Marty Becker for example states that “hard plastic or nylon chews, sterilized bones, cow hooves and antlers are too hard to be safe for most dogs.”, Vet Norman Johnston of the UK Dental Vets group has more to add. Signs Of Midge Bites In Domestic Dogs, Dog Exercise: How To Exercise Your Labrador And Keep Them Fit. So we have a situation where many vets are saying, “Do NOT let your dog chew on antlers! I must admit she enjoys the hell out of it! It’s a fun challenge for dogs to gnaw the edges of the antler to get at the marrow. But you have to take into account the fact that other kinds of deer are far more common. My border collie loves them, but I’m still not convinced that they are safe even disregarding the posssible dental issues. I’ve done some reading as well and other articles disagree with this claim.. mostly due to the fact that certain breeds of deer antlers are specifically bad for dogs as they split in small pieces that could harm their intestinal tract. Also, look at alternative toys or chews that may provide the same pleasure and tooth cleaning benefits, without being so hard on your dog’s teeth. There are figures on the incidence of tooth fractures in dogs. Unfortunately, antler chews aren’t recommended for strong chewing dogs. Let’s take a look at what antlers are made from and how tough they are. And I’ll take a moment now to explain why I believe that to be the case. Instead, I recommend buying chew toys that have some flexibility or “give” to them, even for large, powerful dogs. I immediately checked in with my vet, who noted Eko’s teeth looked great. It wasn’t until Eko had the antler for nearly a year that I first heard rumblings about antlers potentially being dangerous for a dog’s teeth/gums. Are antlers safe for dogs? We do have deer in our woods and they shed antlers (our GSD brought home a deer skull one day, how … sweet) so we wondered if we should let them gnaw on it a bit. Puppies should not be given antlers until their adult teeth are completely grown in. And this problem can be made worse if your dog is an aggressive chewer. There are also a range of products sold as dental chews that claim to help keep your dog’s teeth clean and reduce the risk of periodontal disease. You just pick the size antler appropriate for your dog. Eko was delighted he got to keep his favorite chew treat. Some dogs may be more at risk than others—for example, aggressive chewers. And if a tooth sheared off while the dog was eating an antler, then the probability of a “cause and effect” link is fairly high. A broken tooth is extremely painful and can sometimes become abscessed. Antler chews have risen rapidly in popularity, but we hope that as more dog owners discover the dangers of offering them dogs, their popularity will decline again. Anecdotal evidence is the accumulated observations of people, rather than properly controlled clinical trials. Like any other power chew, it’s primarily about the quality of the product. The Grade B elk antler chews are of lesser quality, not fresh and most probably have been exposed to other outside rodent activity. So it may seem that there are more antlers to go around. But you can still find them for sale. Nov 5, 2019 - Learn why our antlers are a safe, all-natural, superior choice for your dog. Chewing antlers is very good for dogs in many ways. We’ll discuss why that is, and whether or not the majority of veterinarians are right. There are different treatments available for different kinds of skin conditions, but for most dogs, the best thing is usually the diet. Many vets surgeries sell antlers. Due to this, dogs of these age ranges may experience greater dental damage due to antlers’ hardness and are not well-equipped to handle other potential injury caused by antlers. Antlers are considered antlers safe for almost every dog by most vet specialists. Because we don’t have any published data on the causes of tooth fractures, there is no way to specifically tell you for sure that antlers are safe for dogs to chew, or that antlers are not safe for dogs to chew. Safe Antler Alternatives It can feel, sometimes, like nothing is safe for dogs anymore. Come and say hello! We see too many fractures (particularly carnassial slab fractures) that have occurred as a direct result of chewing on these objects.”, Meanwhile, other vets are apparently saying, “Go ahead and let him have antler dog chews, they’re fine.”. But antlers are hard enough to withstand the force of another deer’s antlers in battle, which means they’re definitely hard enough to break your dog’s teeth. Are antlers safe for dogs? There seems to be no useful data on the various causes of these fractures. Frustratingly, neither of these sites, nor any of the others I visited, link to any credible sources of research on this topic. Mercola Pet