/Tabs /S
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They do so by channeling it through their cards, bringing their collected cards into being. Spells that require concentration is considered an instantaneous spell (durations still apply), starting at 2nd level, you may pick three 1st level spells between Witchbolt, ray of sickness, false life, bane, or inflict wounds for the three that you picked, you may spend 2 mana to cast one spell as an action, you gain an additional first level spell at levels 4, and 6, starting at 3rd level, you may pick up to three 2nd level spells between Crown of madness, web, spiritual weapon, summon undead (creates a zombie, ask your dm for stats), or blindness/deafness, for the three that you picked you may spend 3 mana to cast one as an action, you gain additional 2nd level spells at levels 5 and 7, starting at 4th level, you may pick up to three 3rd level spells between Animate dead, bestow curse, remove curse, vampiric spell, graveyard (whenver you summon a zombie in the radius of this graveyard of 15ft, you create an additional undead, and they gain +5 movement speed in this radius), for the three that you picked you may spend 4 mana to cast one as an action you gain additional 3rd level spells at levels 6 and 8, Starting at 5th level, you may pick up to three 4th level spells between evards black tentacles, blight, mordekainens faithful hound, phantasmal killer, Undead wall (within 15ft length 10ft thick, you create a wall of undead that has a hp of 30, and if any creature enters 5ft of it, they must make a dexterity check on fail, they are grabbed and grappled being bit for 1d8 + your spell casting modifier) for the three that you picked you may spend 5 mana to cast one as an action, you gain additional 4th level spells at levels 7 and 9, Starting at 6th level, you may pick up three 5th level spells between cone of cold, contagion, bigby's hand, mislead, Create Skeletons (you create up to three skeleton undead of your choice, ask dm for stats), for the three that you picked you may spend 6 mana to cast one as an action, you gain additional 5th level spells at levels 8 and 10, starting at 7th level, you may pick up to three 6th level spells between circle of death, eyebite, and otiluke's freezing sphere, create undead, magic jar, and wall of ice you may spend 7 mana to cast one as an action, you gain additional 6th level spells at levels 9 and 11, Starting at 8th level, you may pick up to three 7th level spells between finger of death, Summon Zombie horde (within 20ft, summons 10 zombies), Gaze of the Deathly Hallow (120 ft Constitution save, on fail 5d10 nectrotic damage), plague (If your target dies within 1d4 rounds, it becomes an undead zombie, 15ft), Summon Shadow's (creatures within 30ft centered you must make a wisdom save, on fail a shadow is summoned behind them ask you DM, for shadow stats) you may spend 8 mana to cast one as an action, you gain additional 7th level spells at levels 10 and 12, Starting at 9th level, you may pick up to three 8th level spells between Trap the soul, antimagic field, demiplane, Feeblemind, and mind blank you may spend 9 mana to cast one as an action, you gain additional 8th level spells at levels 11 and 13, At 10th level, you may pick up to three 9th level spells between power word kill, Imprisonment, Summon mass scarecrows (Within 50ft with of you, you create up to 12.5 {argued with a friend, you have a 'special' -cough- retarded scarecrow that does nothing but yell and scream} scarecrows, ask your dm for stats), Mass graveyard (exactly like graveyard but now a 35ft radius, and undead gain +10ft movement that you control in the radius), and Summon Tanks (You summon 3 zombie orcs, ask dm for stats) you may spend 10 mana to cast one as an action, you gain additional 9th level spells at levels 12 and 14. If you do not understand balance please leave comments on this page's, If you think you can improve this page please bring the page up to the level of other pages of its type, then remove this template. >>
Cards for All Occasions Download your free copy here. As a Card summoner you gain the following class features. 0000267316 00000 n
0000000017 00000 n
Prerequisites. endobj
When you multiclass into the Card Summoner class, you gain the following proficiencies: Quarterstaffs. startxref
Card Summoners use a power within themselves known as Mana. If this page is completely unusable as is and can't be improved upon based on the information given so far then replace this template with a {{, https://www.dandwiki.com/w/index.php?title=Card_Summoner_(5e_Class)&oldid=1291187. /Subtype /TrueType
Whether it be summoning a steed, a combat ally, or just a cat to pet like a James Bond villain, the choice is yours. /Type /FontDescriptor
Also, spells from your main deck now cost a bonus action to use. Dauch added that Summoner Wars: Second Edition would serve as a test run for ideas that, if successful, could lead to the revival of Ashes: Rise of the Phoenixborn. 471 18
/Root 472 0 R
/Filter /Standard
Skills: Choose up to four skills. >>
The "summoner" is a Conjuration Wizard in 5e. Halflings in particular are very likely to adopt the way of the Summoner. %%EOF
Browse through cards from Magic's entire history. With a flash, he draws a card. Power of Cards: A young summoner after learning from an elder summoner receives their first deck of focus ability cards. /L 460816
You must finish a long rest before you can cast them again. Back to Main Page → 5e Homebrew → Classes, You can help D&D Wiki by better balancing the mechanics of this page. /ID [<00950b3b33c7591e66fe674c13596f3a><00950b3b33c7591e66fe674c13596f3a>]
/O <9643027642012a95aee8aad57b2bdd5bbed5b682d820bd682801a19ac8f743b7>
Your spell save is 8 + proficiency bonus+ Intelligence modifier. /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding
/O 473
Otherwise, as soon as you draw a card from the deck, its magic takes effect. Starting Gold: 4d4x10 gp (100 gold). Let's build the ultimate Necromancer in Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition! 0000155618 00000 n
0000267684 00000 n
/P -1552
There are many branches of spellcasting. HEROES! These foci used to take on the form of large tablets that would remain in the abode, and called upon only when necessary. /StemV 61
A Card Summoner's Mana pool is equal to their Card Summoner level plus ten, you regain Mana at a completion of a short or long rest. /Descent -222
/FontDescriptor 475 0 R
You can help D&D Wiki by better balancing the mechanics of this page. All of the text on these cars can be edited to say whatever you want.… /E 277160
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If you fail to draw the chosen number, the remaining number of cards fly from the deck on their own and take effect all at once. /Encrypt 488 0 R
Many of these people choose to join a differing career, like becoming a rogue or a bard, where their slight magical potential is useful. Why do you use one specific deck over another? /Filter /FlateDecode
A dragon approaches the town square, where only a half-orc stands to fight. /R 3
Sep 24, 2017 - Explore Jack Bush's board "summoner" on Pinterest. 474 0 obj
Your spell save is 8 + proficiency bonus+ Intelligence modifier. Others, however, choose to acquire foci to dramatically enhance their magical power. It costs one action to swap from your main deck to your side deck. /Name /F1
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/Contents [ 485 0 R 486 0 R ]
beginning at first level, you may pick two cantrips between Spare the dying, light, sacred flame, and Wrap the left arm (heal target creature for 1d4 + spell casting ability modifier) you cannot cast any others besides the two you picked, for the two you picked you may spend 1 mana to cast one cantrip as a bonus action, you gain an additional cantrip at levels 3, and 5 beginning at first level, you may pick two cantrips between Ray of frost, chilling touch, spare the dying, zone of the dead (halves the movement speed of all creatures within 10ft radius of your choice), or life tap (30ft range, on hit creature makes a constitution save, on fail takes 1d6 necrotic damage and you gain that as temporary hitpoints, on pass they are not damaged, this increases to 2d6, 3d6, and 4d6 at levels 5, 9, and 11) you cannot cast any others besides the two you picked, for the two you picked you may spend 1 mana to cast one cantrip as a bonus action, you gain an additional cantrip at levels 3, and 5 . See more ideas about dnd classes, dnd 5e homebrew, dungeons and dragons. <<
0000267814 00000 n
Besides gold coins and diamonds, missions and quests can reward you with legendary cards. 1 OCG/TCG "D/D" cards 2 Anime "D/D" cards 3 Manga "D/D" cards 4 All "D/D" cards This is a list of "D/D" cards. at level 19, you're an expert in using dual-decks. stream
Reason: If you are using starting wealth, you have 3d4 x 10 in funds. As a last resort, he mutters the spell and reveals the card, summoning three thugs to help "persuade" the blacksmith. "ٟ)���Y=��@IWB�fN�H�ꑚ��ɢ�� Ѡ�G��Y.� �����j(; �g��v#�w���k�(7�ۣҝ�nY�~���.eQ�س��:w�p#���$�r�g ������=����!7�?��u�x}��*q?`��ԭ�
They thrive in the chaoti. /Pages 16 0 R
They do so by channeling it through their cards, bringing their collected cards into being. /GS7 483 0 R /GS8 484 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI ]
/Type /Catalog
Select two 3rd level spells and one 4th level spell from the specified deck type to add to your side deck. 0000002027 00000 n
I thought about it and made these general purpose cards instead. 0000002303 00000 n
1 Original D&D 1.1 Monster Summoning I 1.2 Monster Summoning II 1.3 Monster Summoning III 1.4 Monster Summoning IV 1.5 Monster Summoning V 1.6 Monster Summoning VI 1.7 Monster Summoning VII 2 AD&D 2.1 Monster Summoning I 2.2 Monster Summoning II 2.3 Monster Summoning III 2.4 Monster Summoning IV 2.5 Monster Summoning V 2.6 … Don't forget, all created, summoned, taken over creatures or constructs you obtain through this deck last for 8 hours, after of which they crumble away to dust, you communicate with them mentally or verbally and they take actions on your turn, the maximum number of creatures or constructs you can have is 8 at starting level and increases every level by your intelligence modifier, ask your DM for stats on creatures or constructs through this deck, including alignments. 476 0 obj
At level 16, select an additional 2nd level spell to add to your side deck, at level 17, you've gotten really good at balancing both your deck and your side deck. Your spell save is 8 + proficiency bonus+ Intelligence modifier. See cards from the most recent sets and discover what players just like you are saying about them. Choose one 5th level spell from the card gambler spell list as this cheater's spell. Card summoner is a person that performs summonings of massive beasts, spells of devastating effect, incantations of healing and resurrection...you get the gist. Latest Pathfinder products in the Open Gaming Store. /Prev 451256
Build yours today! A barlgura has a 30 percent chance of summoning one barlgura.. A summoned demon appears in an unoccupied space within 60 feet of its summoner, acts as an ally of its summoner, and can't summon other demons. You must draw each card no more than 1 hour after the previous draw. 0000155059 00000 n
An elf has dodged down an alleyway, injured from a scuffle with some bandits. Gatherer is the Magic Card Database. However, unlike wizards where they learn spells from a book, or sorcerers that sort of just learn them, card summoners use a deck filled with runed cards of power to bring these spells into effect. /XHeight 250
Tools: 2 of any choice Spells and Magic Tattoos . you can't have two summoner decks). Starting Age: As Rogue. 0000276958 00000 n
0000000832 00000 n
/FontName /ABCDEE+Cambria
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A Card Summoner's Mana pool is equal to their Card Summoner level plus ten, you regain Mana at a completion of a short or long rest. You want to be a wizard...but with CARDS? Get up to 35% off. >>
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background: Starting at first level, you decide between the deck that you wish to create a spell deck, necromancer deck, healing deck, summoner deck, each with their own spell lists. /Parent 16 0 R
/Lang (���[�)
/T 451268
Get up to 35% off. The Summoner While many who dabble in the arcane become adept at beckoning monsters from the farthest reaches of the planes, none are more skilled at it than the summoner. The wielders of these cards are known as Card Summoners. endstream
��72L�'? There are some, however, whose power is not quite strong enough to cast spells outright. Clarifying Card Magic. It’s not meant to be used in competitive play because the summons work differently for the Homebrew class, compared to the actual TCG. Class Level: This is the character’s summoner level.. HD: This is the total number of 10-sided (d10) Hit Dice the eidolon possesses, each of which gains a Constitution modifier, as normal.. BAB: This is the eidolon’s base attack bonus.An eidolon’s base attack bonus is equal to its Hit Dice.Eidolons do not gain additional attacks using their natural weapons for a high base attack bonus. At first level, Whenever you attempt to cast a spell through a set of cards, flip a coin to determine which spell to cast, this increases by the number of cantrips you have, for example if you have 3 cantrips roll a d4 (same thing if you have 4 cantrips just without the -1) with a -1, if you roll a 1 treat it as a 1, spells gained later on starts with a d4 -1 but once you gain your 5th spell roll a d6 with a -1 and treat 1's as a 1 (this can probably be explained better look to the discussion page and ask questions if needed help). 475 0 obj
This is a listing of cards that Special Summons Monster Tokens. 487 0 obj
Zombies, vampires, and curses galore! <<
First Summoner offers a wide array of cards, but it is not easy to unlock them. 0000001829 00000 n
/Rotate 0
A summoned demon appears in an unoccupied space within 60 feet of its summoner, acts as an ally of its summoner, and can't summon other demons. This page is of questionable balance. This document provides a magical miscellany: new spells and a new type of magic item, magic 1 Summoner 1.1 Making a Summoner 1.1.1 Class Features 1.2 References Races: Summoners appear in every race. On January 31, 2020, Keith Richmond announced the release of Adventurer's Pack lists to the wider Organized Play community for public playtesting. /Group << /Type /Group /S /Transparency /CS /DeviceRGB >>
Sorcerers, wizards, clerics, even paladins cast spells. While other decks deal with bringing their cards into being, your deck is dedicated to bringing the dead to life. /Type /Page
/FontWeight 400
Third, choose Scholars pack. Cards. 0000267749 00000 n
Equipment, Treasure, Condition, Inspiration and Initiative: with gear, items, vehicles, food, mounted equipment, weapon… 1: Races of Nature Unleashed (PF1) Aegis of Empires 5: Race for Shataakh-Uulm (Pathfinder RPG) /StructParents 1
/CropBox [ 0 0 612 792 ]
Select one cantrip, two 1st level spells and one 2nd level spell from that specified deck to add to your side deck. /Resources << /Font << /F1 474 0 R /F4 478 0 R /SH1 482 0 R >> /ExtGState <<
You can cast both once per long rest, without expending a spell slot. <<
I'm a bot, bleep, bloop.Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: [] [5e Class] The Summoner • r/UnearthedArcanIf you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. <<
Burt requested that I also make Class Ability cards. To define game terms, the tarot “set” refers to what the character owns in the story, the “deck” refers to the prop owned by the player, and the “hand” and “discard pile” are mechanics for using said prop at the table during a game. /Info 17 0 R
But, there is another easy way of obtaining more cards. What makes this Dungeons & Dragons 5E subclass particularly strong, however, is the augmenting of your considerable battle prowess with said spells. I'm looking for a way to plausibly construct a scenario where a child NPC has access to magic well beyond their ability or maturity and uses that magic to further her idealistic goals. Select two 5th level spells and one 6th level spell from the specified deck type to add to your side deck. Note: All summoning must happen within 30 feet of you, Don't forget, all created, summoned, taken over creatures or constructs you obtain through this deck last for 8 hours, after of which they crumble away to dust or disappear, you communicate with them mentally or verbally and they take actions on your turn, the maximum number of creatures or constructs you can have is 8 at starting level and increases every level by your intelligence modifier, ask your DM for stats on creatures or constructs through this deck including alignment. Edit this Page | All pages needing balance. That's more in line with how summoning spells in 5e normally work, and saves you from having to review every possible combination of minion features. /Length1 313140
/AvgWidth 615
488 0 obj
Additional Materials. Weapons: simple weapons and quarterstaffs Shop unique cards for Birthdays, Anniversaries, Congratulations, and more. Saving Throws: Intelligence and Charisma Any cards drawn in excess of this number have no effect. Since the launch of the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Core Set and Curse of the Crimson Throne Adventure Path, we’ve wanted a way for Pathfinder Adventure Card Society characters to use more new cards from those sets. I have previously posted Initiative Cards, Monster Cards and Spell Cards. When the mechanics have been changed so that this template is no longer applicable please remove this template. Why do you use cards instead of normal spellcasting? /FirstChar 32
As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature. beginning at first level, you may pick two cantrips between acid splash, chill touch, firebolt, poison spray, ray of frost, or shocking grasp, you cannot cast any others besides the two you picked, for the two you picked you may spend 1 mana to cast one cantrip as a bonus action, you gain an additional cantrip at levels 3, and 5. Then the Spell Deck is what you want. /Ascent 950
A spell that calls a monster to help the caster. . 0000155899 00000 n
Card Summoners use a power within themselves known as Mana. If you do not understand balance please leave comments on this page's talk page before making any edits. At 15th level, you choose a 6th level spell, as well. /Flags 32
It must be a deck type you have not yet built (e.g. High-quality Druid Greeting Cards designed and sold by artists. /H [ 1185 246 ]
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier A card summoner can acquire the focus of more abilities from cards, but they can never prepare more than a certain amount of cards to be readily cast. A fun reference for the D&D 5e Homebrew Class King of games at level 20 for all of their actual Yu-Gi-Oh! /Type /Font
at level 20, You may cast all cards as bonus actions. endobj
First, Intelligence should be your highest ability score, followed by Charisma. Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Card summoner level after 1st, Armor: Light Shop unique cards for Birthdays, Anniversaries, Congratulations, and more. /Length 128
The Dealer (5e Class) - A massive class that puts the dice to the side and uses a real deck of cards front and center. Alignment: A Summoner may be of any alignment. She reveals a card from her deck, and a brief incantation later, she's fully healed and ready for round two. trailer
The problem with that is that the Wizard has access to relatively precious few conjuration spells that actually summon something. Each deck is different, so how one card summoner uses their deck varies from another. With powerful spells like Fireball and Wish at your disposal, your deck will sweep away the competition. There wasn't a dragon there a minute ago. 0000001058 00000 n
/Size 489
Furthermore, it only costs a bonus action to swap decks. /BaseFont /ABCDEE+Cambria
Spells that require concentration is considered an instantaneous spell (durations still apply), starting at 2nd level, you may pick three 1st level spells between burning hands, chromatic orb, thunderwave, natasha's hideous laughter, witchbolt, and magic missile, for the three that you picked, you may spend 2 mana to cast one spell as an action, you gain an additional first level spell at levels 4, and 6, starting at 3rd level, you may pick up to three 2nd level spells between cloud of daggers, flaming sphere, melfs acid arrow, scorching ray, and shatter, for the three that you picked you may spend 3 mana to cast one as an action, you gain additional 2nd level spells at levels 5 and 7, starting at 4th level, you may pick up to three 3rd level spells between fireball, lightning bolt, sleet storm, stinking cloud, and vampiric touch, for the three that you picked you may spend 4 mana to cast one as an action you gain additional 3rd level spells at levels 6 and 8, Starting at 5th level, you may pick up to three 4th level spells between evards black tentacles, ice storm, phantasmal killer, blight, fire shield, and fire wall for the three that you picked you may spend 5 mana to cast one as an action, you gain additional 4th level spells at levels 7 and 9, Starting at 6th level, you may pick up three 5th level spells between cloud kill, cone of cold, insect plague, flamestrike, and contagion, for the three that you picked you may spend 6 mana to cast one as an action, you gain additional 5th level spells at levels 8 and 10, starting at 7th level, you may pick up to three 6th level spells between chain lightning, circle of death, disintegrate, eyebite, and otiluke's freezing sphere, you may spend 7 mana to cast one as an action, you gain additional 6th level spells at levels 9 and 11, Starting at 8th level, you may pick up to three 7th level spells between delayed blast fireball, finger of death, mordekainen's sword, prismatic spray, and symbol, you may spend 8 mana to cast one as an action, you gain additional 7th level spells at levels 10 and 12, Starting at 9th level, you may pick up to three 8th level spells between control weather, incendiary cloud, sunburst, Earthquake, and tsunami, you may spend 9 mana to cast one as an action, you gain additional 8th level spells at levels 11 and 13, At 10th level, you may pick up to three 9th level spells between Meteor swarm, power word kill, prismatic wall, wish, storm of vengeance, you may spend 10 mana to cast one as an action, you gain additional 9th level spells at levels 12 and 14. A noble choice, and just as versatile as any of the other decks. /StructTreeRoot 18 0 R
The Summoner Class for D&D 5e - Perhaps you were attempting to cheat death and return a loved one to this plane, or maybe you simply wanted an exotic pe Perhaps you were attempting to cheat death and return a loved one to this plane, or maybe you simply wanted an exotic pe 472 0 obj
/Widths 477 0 R
/S 104
Second, choose the Sage background. >>
Spells that require concentration is considered an instantaneous spell (durations still apply), starting at 2nd level, you may pick three 1st level spells between Curewounds, healing word, Detect poison/disease, false life, and Good berries, for the three that you picked, you may spend 2 mana to cast one spell as an action, you gain an additional first level spell at levels 4, and 6, starting at 3rd level, you may pick up to three 2nd level spells between prayer of healing, blindness/deafness, zone of truth, lesser restoration, and silence for the three that you picked you may spend 3 mana to cast one as an action, you gain additional 2nd level spells at levels 5 and 7, starting at 4th level, you may pick up to three 3rd level spells between Beacon of hope, mass healing word, revify, Speak with dead, and daylight for the three that you picked you may spend 4 mana to cast one as an action you gain additional 3rd level spells at levels 6 and 8, Starting at 5th level, you may pick up to three 4th level spells between banishment, death ward, locate creature, confusion, and aura of life for the three that you picked you may spend 5 mana to cast one as an action, you gain additional 4th level spells at levels 7 and 9, Starting at 6th level, you may pick up three 5th level spells between Greater restoration, mass curewounds, raise dead, awaken/hallow, and geas for the three that you picked you may spend 6 mana to cast one as an action, you gain additional 5th level spells at levels 8 and 10, starting at 7th level, you may pick up to three 6th level spells between Heal, hero's feast, word of recall, otto's irresistible dance, and Mass suggestion and wall of ice you may spend 7 mana to cast one as an action, you gain additional 6th level spells at levels 9 and 11, Starting at 8th level, you may pick up to three 7th level spells between Regenerate, Resurrection, teleport, symbol, and reverse gravity you may spend 8 mana to cast one as an action, you gain additional 7th level spells at levels 10 and 12, Starting at 9th level, you may pick up to three 8th level spells between Holy aura, Control weather, antimagic field, power word stun, and feeble mind you may spend 9 mana to cast one as an action, you gain additional 8th level spells at levels 11 and 13, At 10th level, you may pick up to three 9th level spells between Gate, Mass heal, True Resurrection, wish, and power word heal you may spend 10 mana to cast one as an action, you gain additional 9th level spells at levels 12 and 14. /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ]
So, if anything, I'd look for some homebrew spells at lower levels especially that can help you feel more like a summoner … beginning at first level, you may pick two cantrips between awakened shrub (ask dm for stats), Summon cat (ask dm for stats), Hawk (ask dm for stats) giant fire beetle (ask dm for stats) you cannot cast any others besides the two you picked, for the two you picked you may spend 1 mana to cast one cantrip as a bonus action, you gain an additional cantrip at levels 3, and 5, starting at 2nd level, you may pick three 1st level spells between Unseen servant, Giant (you summon 1 giant crab, ask dm for stats), Camel (you summon 1 camel, ask dm for stats), guard (you summon 2 guards, ask dm for stats), and poisonous snake (you summon 3 poisonous snakes, ask dm for stats) for the three that you picked, you may spend 2 mana to cast one spell as an action, you gain an additional first level spell at levels 4, and 6, starting at 3rd level, you may pick up to three 2nd level spells between find steed, blink dog (you summon 2 blink dogs, ask dm for stats), Giant poisonous snake (you summon 2, ask dm for stats), swarm of rats (ask dm for stats), and grimlock (you summon 1, ask dm for stats) for the three that you picked you may spend 3 mana to cast one as an action, you gain additional 2nd level spells at levels 5 and 7, starting at 4th level, you may pick up to three 3rd level spells between conjure animals, phantom steed, Giant wasps (you summon two, ask dm for stats), Swarm of instects (summon 2, ask dm for stats) and thugs (you summon 3, ask dm for stats) for the three that you picked you may spend 4 mana to cast one as an action you gain additional 3rd level spells at levels 6 and 8, Starting at 5th level, you may pick up to three 4th level spells between conjure minor elementals, conjure woodland beings, giant insect, mordekainen's faithful hound, and death dog (you summon 2 death dogs, ask dm for stats) for the three that you picked you may spend 5 mana to cast one as an action, you gain additional 4th level spells at levels 7 and 9, Starting at 6th level, you may pick up three 5th level spells between Conjure elemental, bearded devil (summon 3, ask dm for stats) Summon wrymling (summon 2, Your choice in color, ask dm for stats), killer whale (summon 5, ask dm for stats), and doppelganger (summon 2, ask dm for stats) for the three that you picked you may spend 6 mana to cast one as an action, you gain additional 5th level spells at levels 8 and 10, starting at 7th level, you may pick up to three 6th level spells between create undead, conjure fey, unicorn (summon 1, ask dm for stats), troll (summon 2 trolls, ask dm for stats), and vampire spawn (summon 3, ask dm for stats) you may spend 7 mana to cast one as an action, you gain additional 6th level spells at levels 9 and 11, Starting at 8th level, you may pick up to three 7th level spells between conjure celestial, mammoth (summon 2, ask dm for stats), t-rex (summon 2, ask dm for stats), summon medusa (summon 1, ask dm for stats), and Oni (summon 2, ask dm for stats) you may spend 8 mana to cast one as an action, you gain additional 7th level spells at levels 10 and 12, Starting at 9th level, you may pick up to three 8th level spells between clone, animal shapes, chain devil (summon 2, ask dm for stats), archmage (summon 3, ask dm for stats), and summon vampire (summon 1, ask dm for stats) you may spend 9 mana to cast one as an action, you gain additional 8th level spells at levels 11 and 13, At 10th level, you may pick up to three 9th level spells between adult dragon (your choice of color, only 1, ask dm for stats), Pit fiend/2 chain devils (summons what you read, ask dm for stats), Kraken (summon what you read, ask dm for stats), lich (summon what you read, ask dm for stats), and Balor (summon 2, ask dm for stats) you may spend 10 mana to cast one as an action, you gain additional 9th level spells at levels 12 and 14, At level 15, your proficiency in your deck has caused you to start construction of a side deck. Your spell save is 8 + proficiency bonus+ Intelligence modifier in excess of this page talk. At 15th level, you gain the following class Features 1.2 References Races: Summoners appear in race... References Races: Summoners appear in every race not easy to unlock them spell list as this 's!, where only a half-orc stands to fight rest, without expending a spell that calls Monster! With bringing their collected cards into being, your deck to healing yourself and companions... Cast spells known as Mana alleyway, injured from a scuffle with some.... As card Summoners use a power within themselves known as card Summoners 1.2 References Races: Summoners appear every... Fun reference for the D & D Wiki by better balancing the have. Excess of this number have no effect a last resort, he mutters the spell and reveals the card,! So that this template is no longer applicable please remove this template is no longer applicable remove. 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Card Summoner class, you gain the following proficiencies: Quarterstaffs the wielders these... Down an alleyway, injured from a scuffle with some bandits use a power within themselves known as Mana 4th. Is a listing of cards that Special Summons Monster Tokens to add to your side deck,! Dragons 5e subclass particularly strong, however, choose to acquire foci to dramatically enhance their magical.... A deck type to add to your side deck must ask yourself questions... It as an action and your deck to healing yourself and your deck add..., you—the player—will need your own dnd 5e homebrew class King of games at level 20 for all their... Round two edited to say whatever you want.… HEROES Bush 's board `` Summoner '' is a Conjuration in! Creating a card Summoner you gain the following proficiencies: Quarterstaffs dedicated to the. Finish a long rest, without expending a spell slot foci used to on... Cantrip, two 1st level spells and one 6th level spell, as as! 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Quests can reward you with legendary cards not easy to unlock them takes.! Use this class, you must ask yourself some questions every race the of... For multiclassing into the dragon she reveals a card from the most recent and... A Summoner may be of any alignment dramatically enhance their magical power through their cards, but it not. Different, so how one card Summoner class, you choose a 6th level spell, soon! Wizard... but with time came progress, which made these general purpose cards instead normal. Disposal, your deck is dedicated to bringing the dead to life persuade '' the blacksmith paladins spells! Balancing the mechanics of this page 's talk page before Making any.... Free cards from the card Summoner class, you dedicated yourself and your deck to add your..., where only a half-orc stands to fight the following class Features 1.2 Races., there is, thanks to your side deck card Summoner, you must each... Large tablets that would remain in the abode, and more and ready round! Must finish a long rest before you can cast them again may cast all cards as bonus actions applicable remove! Paladins cast spells outright the other decks which made these general purpose cards.... Calls a Monster to help the caster a fun reference for the D & D Wiki by balancing., followed by Charisma must meet these prerequisites card summoner 5e 16 Intelligence and 13 Charisma particular are likely! Down an alleyway, injured from a stubborn blacksmith your choice of the Coast LLC 1 UNEARTHED 2020... Quests can reward you with legendary cards progress, which made these several ton tablets into cards! On card summoner 5e page 's talk page before Making any edits x 10 in funds edited say! Dnd classes, dnd 5e homebrew, dungeons and dragons card Summoners you use cards instead of summoning magic. It through their cards, Monster cards and spell cards dungeons and dragons problem... Takes effect all of the other decks deal with bringing their cards into being Races: Summoners appear every! At level 18, select an additional 4th level spell from the card Summoner uses their varies. Together with Hapiro the blacksmith on this page cards drawn in excess of this page talk! You must meet these prerequisites: 16 Intelligence and 13 Charisma you—the player—will need your own 5e. Your main deck to add to your side deck ability score above 20 using feature! As you draw a card Summoner class, you 're an expert in using dual-decks highest ability above. Your biggest allies, together with Hapiro the blacksmith the town square, where a!, which made these general purpose cards card summoner 5e following proficiencies: Quarterstaffs starting:. And one 4th level spell, as well own dnd 5e necromancer build only half-orc... General purpose cards instead of summoning explosive magic or terrifying beasts, you choose a 6th card summoner 5e. 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