National Gardening Association, Snake Aloe (Aloe broomii var. Active 5 years ago. (1, 2) Ask Question Asked 5 years ago. The blooms may also resemble wheat due to the angle of the flowers at the end of the stem. National Gardening Association, Spiral Aloe (Aloe polyphylla). Aloe nobilis is a plant full of personality, with its abundant yellow spikes and rose-tipped leaves. This familiar plant is also called as a wonder plant due to its various benefits. Click on a species to view its details. Aloe Vera is the most common plant that you will find in almost every household. Aloe barberae is the perfect tree to grow poolside in frost-free climates: it is nearly mess-free. Coral Aloe has toothless flat broad leaves that are rather pale green but turn pink in the sun. Aloes are a large genus of plants, about 450 species, from sub-Saharan Africa, Madagascar, and parts of Arabia. Over time, the plants form a trunk-like stem surrounded by old leaves (similar to the growth pattern of some palms). Preferably, the soil should be slightly alkaline in pH. You can grow this large aloe in the landscape or in a conservatory. Aloe bainesii), also known as Tree aloe, is a species of aloe native to South Africa northwards to Mozambique. A. ferox also looks similar. There are dozens of species of Aloe, from tall trees to dwarf cultivars. It comes in various color and has been cultivated to create many new varieties. Aloe vera is a tropical succulent species that can be identified by its long thick leaves that have slightly jaggy edges. Abstract. 15. miller has a green to grey-green colour and a very distinct circular rosette form Aloe vera barbadensis var. The tree aloe is often used as an ornamental plant. When grown in containers, plant Aloes in a loose potting mix designed for cactus and other succulents. She has years of experience in caring for flowers and plants. This short-stemmed shrub belongs to the genus Aloe that comprises over 400 species of succulent flowering plants. A unique feature of Van Balen's aloe is the spicy smell the leaves emit when you crush them. Aloe Vera Barbadensis is the most cultivated of the species and is native to North Africa. A Synoptic Review of the Aloes (Asphodelaceae, Alooideae) of KwaZulu-Natal, an Ecologically Diverse Province in Eastern South Africa. Some are smooth, others toothed and prickled. Native Countries: Jordan, Southern and Tropical Africa, Mauritius, the Arabian Peninsula, Réunion, Madagascar, Comoros. Jun 11, 2018 - Varied Aloe Species. Such spiky protrusions, like hardened wax, are seldom dangerous. Give your tiger tooth aloe a summer vacation outdoors, and you may earn bragging rights to a blooming plant with long red flower stalks. 205 Save In the right conditions, they'll surprise you with their flowers which form on an excessively long stalk. Similar species. Small spines that grow on leaf edges are sharp, so use gloves when planting or weeding around this aloe. Adromischus cooperi. They can range from tiny ground-hugging species to those that are the size of small trees. Aloe vera doesn’t have a stem, but the fleshy leaves grow directly from the ground in a rosette-type shape. Wild species of aloe vera can live for a century. See more ideas about aloe, succulents, plants. Many species are widespread in warm or tropical semi-arid regions, yet the distribution of others is limited to a few living in desert or wet mountainous regions. In its native climes this slow-growing tree can reach up to 18 m (54 ft) high and 0.9 m (3 ft) in stem diameter. Flowers are often tubular in shape, yellow, orange, pink, or red in color. The aloe species have a rosette that in some cases appears to come straight from the ground, The produce tubular flowers and has plump leaves filled with water. 1. National Gardening Association, Klopper, Ronell R., et al. The trunk can easily reach a height of 3 meters. The dark green leaves have magical white spots on them along with serrated white edges, coming out from the center as if they’re entwined together. As of November 2016 , the World Checklist of Selected Plant Families accepts about 580 species and hybrids. Lace Aloe (Aristaloe Aristata). The handsome gray leaves sometimes exhibit a tinge of orange outdoors, which looks stunning when the fall and winter orange blooms appear. National Gardening Association, Malagasy Tree Aloe (Aloe Vaombe). The tubular clusters of coral-orange flowers grow from late spring until early winter. The following photos will allow you to identify cacti and other succulent plants. Other giveaway traits are the water marks, or lines on the leaves left by the previous layer of leaves. Aloe ( / æ l ˈ oʊ i /, / ˈ æ l oʊ i, ˈ æ l oʊ /), also written Aloë, is a genus containing over 550 species of flowering succulent plants. I have a very similar looking plant that was labeled 'Aloe marlothii', pictured below: Now, being in Pennsylvania, I don't see many species of aloe growing. Aloe vera L. (Aloe barbadensis Miller) is a member of Liliaceae family. Aloe arborescens, Aloe barbadensis and Aloe ferox are the most widely cultivated and used among 500 aloe species due to their potent bioactivity. If you have very rich soil, you may need to amend with sand. Aloe barberae (syn. ... Aloe marlothii Distribution: South Africa CITES listing: ... Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. This aloe is as tough as it looks, and will bounce back from temperatures as low as 25 degrees Fahrenheit., Aloe maculata has sharp spines on each leaf that rival any cactus, but it rarely needs tending other than clipping off spent blossoms, so touching isn't necessary to enjoy this sturdy plant. It has its origin in the arid regions of South Africa. The solitary rosettes may grow to two feet across but only one foot tall, making an interesting specimen for the rock garden, green roof, or poolside container garden., Aloe hereroensis is a chameleon, appearing silvery gray, pale green, or even pinkish, depending on the light exposure and irrigation it receives. Flowers are followed by abundant seeds, which have a high germination rate in a warm, moist growing environment., Aloe polyphylla may not be the most common aloe, but it's one of the most photographed, thanks to its mesmerizing spiral shape. When they flower, aloe plants produce striking red, orange, yellow, or pink flowers. Cacti and succulents identification. Lace aloe plants resemble Haworthia plants with their white whiskers and bumpy leaf tubercles. Adromischus alstonii. Click on image to view plant details. As of November 2016[update], the World Checklist of Selected Plant Families accepts about 580 species and hybrids. Aloe vera is just one of over 500 types of aloe plants in the genus Aloe. Aloe species require little water and grow well in pots, making them ideal additions to your drought-resistant plant garden or xeriscape design. 1–88., doi:10.3897/phytokeys.142.48365. Aloe is a genus of plants that contains over 400 species. The flowers are covered with bracts, which lend a serpentine quality to the blooms. Here are 14 of the more unusual Aloe species to incorporate into your plantings. 2 $\begingroup$ I am trying to find out which species these are. Jamie has written about gardening and special occasion flowers since 2011. National Gardening Association, Herero Aloe (Aloe hereroensis). miller closer view of the plant Once frequently used in landscaping to provide support for its the surrounding environment, this aloe was labeled “critically endangered” in 2011. Flowers are often tubular in shape, yellow, orange, pink, or red in color. Aloe microstigma Salm-Dyck The Karoo aloe or Worcester aloe has copiously white-spotted leaves and simple inflorescences of 0.6–0.8 m high, with typically bicoloured racemes. Aloes are a type of flowering succulent, and there are over 500 plants belonging to the Aloe species. The more sun Aloe vanbalenii receives, the more red coloration this fantastic specimen will reveal. National Gardening Association, Short Leaved Aloe (Aloe Brevifolia). Place this low-growing aloe at the front of your border in the rock garden, or grow in a container, where it will achieve a maximum height of about 12 inches. The red is enhanced by dry conditions, so don't overwater these tough aloe plants, or they will remain green. The Malagasy tree aloe is endemic to Madagascar, but with careful propagation methods, gardeners have been able to cultivate this exotic aloe in places like Arizona or north coastal New Zealand where temperatures stay above freezing. The species, Aloe trinervis, is based on a distinct observation: the leaf-like structures beneath the flowers bear three nerves.Experts say a molecular phylogenetic analysis is needed to identify the plant species and shed light on how it evolved and its relationship with other Aloe species. They can range from tiny ground-hugging species to those that are the size of small trees. The plants are characterized by rosettes of fleshy succulent leaves, which can grow close to the ground, or on branched and un-branched stems. Introduction. These stems will not have any leaves. This plant is sometimes known as mountain aloe because of its fondness for rocky slopes. The tiny rosettes of it only grow to about 2-3 inches long. Be sure to plant Aloe dorotheae in full sun to coax the best orange and salmon colors from this vibrant cultivar. Most people are familiar with the ubiquitous Aloe vera plant: the gel from its fleshy leaves are so widely coveted for cosmetics and medicinal uses that this succulent is cultivated on large farms in Asia, Mexico, and in parts of the United States. The rare and distinctive aloe species listed below are ones we've largely grown from seed. Although aloe species with green leaves are the most common variety, there are also types of red-leaved aloes, golden aloes, and orange aloe plants. The clumping plants are deer resistant, and clay tolerant as long as rainfall is scarce., Aloe cameronii gets its common name of red aloe from the exquisite coppery red leaves that transform the summer garden into a vibrant sunset-hued glow. Here, you will about know about different types of aloe vera plants and other important things related to them. The most widely known species is Aloe vera, or "true aloe".It is called this because it is cultivated as the standard source for assorted pharmaceutical purposes. Leaves may curve to the point of resembling tentacles. Jun 6, 2015 - Explore Jungle Symbol's board "aloe species", followed by 193 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about aloe, succulents, planting succulents. Native populations in South Africa have used the sap from this aloe as a soap, but harvesting leaves from your specimen isn't advised, as the plants are very slow-growing and may not recover their symmetry after harvest.. Happy plants will produce pup offsets for propagating; stressed plants will turn reddish-brown in response to lengthy droughts or cool temps. Sand Aloe has pale blue-green leaves that turn rose-colored in the sun. Some botanists theorize that organisms grow in spiral shapes in nature because it ensures the most exposure to light for the plant, and requires the least amount of energy to form the repeating pattern. Aloe arborescens Miller 1768 Syn: A. mutabilis(Krantz Aloe, Kransaalwyn) This medium-sized shrubby, branching Aloegrows to 6 ft, with large, decorative spikes of yellow, orange or red tubular flowers. Of over 300 Aloe species, A. vera L. is most widely accepted and used for various medical, cosmetic and … In the wild, lace aloe plants form a globe shape with darkened leaves in response to winter drought conditions. While some species have been adopted as medicinal plants since ancient time At its mature height of 30 feet, with its leafy rosettes erupting with rose-pink flowers in the winter, tree aloe is a stunning addition to the succulent garden.. Spiky, Spotted, Dappled and Dramatic Aloe are spiky and fleshy leaved, grown mainly for the foliage effects of the speckled, splashed and spotted leaves with typical soft teeth along the edges of them. Aloe vera barbadensis var. This is a list of the species of the genus Aloe. Aloes typically have juicy, triangular leaves that form starfish-like rosettes. Although appearances vary greatly from species to species, most aloes have have thick, fleshy leaves arranged in a rosette pattern. How to Identify Edible Aloe Vera Aloe vera barbadensis var. Aloe descoingsii is the smallest of all aloe species. Aloe marlothii is a large specimen most suited to growing outdoors in an arid, frost-free climate. Aloe Vera Plant Identification. Aloe barbadensis, acemannan, aloin, aloe-emodin, lignin, steroids, barbaloin, isoaleoresin D. Introduction. Aloe species identification. Floral buds are usually a dull red and open flowers greenish yellow and 25–30 mm long. Identify Aloe flowers by the trumpet-like bloom at the top of a stem in the center of the Aloe plant. Read our, The Spruce uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. CITES-listed species Identification materials Checklist of CITES species Species+ Registers Introduction Captive-breeding operations Nurseries Scientific Institutions Caviar exporters. These look more like Aloe … Winter flower spikes may appear featuring orange blooms with pale green tips. This is an endangered plant species in its native South African habitat. Aloe ferox gets its name from its spiny edged leaves - 'ferox' meaning "fierce" or "war-like". The Spruce uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. As plants reach maturity, they produce early spring stalks of red flower clusters that are attractive to bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. Viewed 433 times 4. When grown in the garden, Aloe plants require a loose, gritty soil, such as that common in desert regions. Botanical Name: Aloe barbadensis miller. Aloe aristata stands out from other Aloe plants in that it is more cold tolerant than most, and also needs more shade than most. National Gardening Association, Aloe (Aloe Cameronii). Introducing "One Thing": A New Video Series, A Synoptic Review of the Aloes (Asphodelaceae, Alooideae) of KwaZulu-Natal, an Ecologically Diverse Province in Eastern South Africa. Species Name {plantnm} {plantnm} {plantnm} Author: No description available. [1], World Checklist of Selected Plant Families,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing potentially dated statements from November 2016, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 18 December 2020, at 10:26. Looking up plants this young online, there seems to be a lot of variability in each species, and they look similar. 142, 2020, pp. Golden toothed aloe plants look handsome in a mixed dish garden with other succulent specimens. Although many aloe plants feature a rosette of leaves without stems, Aloe vaombe is a tree type of aloe. You can follow this natural growth pattern by withholding water in the winter or keep it irrigated for a plump, lush plant.. Aloes range in size from diminutive pot plants to large trees and massive clumps. A member of Liliaceae family, the sap of aloe vera is used heavily in cosmetics and medicines. Aloe Hereroensis. Acanthocalycium glaucum. Agave look similar to Aloe, but generally have a wicked spike on the end of every leaf. Although appearances vary greatly from species to species, most aloes have have thick, fleshy leaves arranged in a rosette pattern. Aloe barberae is Africa's largest aloe. Learn tips for creating your most beautiful (and bountiful) garden ever. This is a list of the species of the genus Aloe. Height: tall stemmed aloe which will reach 2-3 metres in height. Snake aloe plants have a rosette of stiff leaves edged with dark thorns and appreciate the same warm and dry growing conditions of most aloes.. Aloe is a globally popular herbal medicine and dietary supplement. PhytoKeys, vol. Rare aloe species - drought-resistant plants that will look beautiful in a succulent plant garden. “Aloe ferox” by FarOutFlora is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 This tree aloe is also known under the name Cape aloe or bitter aloe. More than one of the unbranched inflorescences can … The plant produces two substances: the aloe vera gel, which is 96 percent water, and the latex, which is used as laxative. Its tubular flowers are rose pink (green-tipped); it flowers in winter and in its natural … The medium-sized rosettes may produce reddish-orange bloom spikes in very bright light. Aloe juvenna is more bark than bite: Yes, its leaves have toothy protrusions that give the plant its name, but the spikes are soft and flexible and lend more charm than defense to this aloe. Like most aloes, it likes warm to hot temperatures. Many of these lesser-known aloes can be cultivated in containers, or even outdoors in frost-free zones. If you live where temperatures never dip below 25 degrees Fahrenheit, you may try a planting of Aloe brevifolia as a drought-tolerant ground cover. Aloe dichotoma, or the “quiver tree”, is a tall aloe species that grows tall and branches out like a tree. However, the Aloe genus is large and diverse, containing hundreds of succulent species native to Africa and the Arabian peninsula, which feature the mild temperatures and arid climate that support the growth of these tough plants. However, your plant might not show these as they are sometimes cut off in the nursery before sale. The spiny leaves are quite imposing, and a mature specimen in flower in the winter is a focal point in the landscape. Agave. Single-stemmed aloe. Someone claimed they were Aloe Vera, but I am skeptical as I have never seen Aloe Vera with that kind of growth. Footer menu. Aloe: The genus Aloe consists of approximately 450 species that occur in Africa, Madagascar, and the Arabian Peninsula. Characteristic compounds for identification of aloe species were revealed between three aloes. By using The Spruce, you accept our, Grower's Tips and Uses for Aloe Vera Plants (Beyond Healing Skin), 25 Recommended Air Plants to Grow Indoors, 7 Species of Daisies for Your Flower Garden, 11 Palm Trees That Tolerate Freezing Temperatures, 5 Different Species of Bird of Paradise Plants, 9 Species of Fig (Ficus) Trees for Indoor and Outdoor Gardening, 16 Eye-Catching Varieties of Hardy Geranium, 14 Varieties of Beautiful Anemone Flowers. The lace aloe may bounce back from temperatures as low as 10 degrees Fahrenheit, but one thing it won't survive is soggy winter conditions, which will cause plant's demise from rot. Because it is small, you can move your container plant around to keep it from getting sunburned or frozen. Adenium obesum cv. Aloe flowers come in several colors; the rarest is pure white. Botanists have described a new Aloe species from the desert of India’s northwestern state of Rajasthan. Bicoloured forms are also known. The red aloe is named in honor of Kenneth Cameron, who sent it from South Africa to the Royal Botanic Garden in 1854 for further examination., Sun Exposure: Full sun (tolerates light shade), Aloe broomii is called snake aloe not for its foliage, but for its unique blossom shape. miller has thick, wide, fleshy upright leaves which are gray-green in colour, and produces yellow flowers. broomii), National Gardening Association, Sunset Aloe (Aloe Dorotheae). The most widely known species is Aloe vera, which is grown for its unusual shape as well as for medicinal purposes. Similar to the Kwa-Zulu Natal form of A. marlothii, but this aloe usually has the individual racemes at a slight angle and not erect as in A. ferox. The water marks, or pink flowers arborescens, aloe barbadensis miller ) is a plant full personality! As mountain aloe because of its fondness for rocky slopes - drought-resistant plants that contains over 400.! 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