We have a very simple set up, obviously if you can use a heat mat success rates should remain high even in cold weather. Be sure to use a general-purpose potting mix that will drain freely, and place your plants near the edges so they can cascade over the sides to show off their dainty flowers. We have also put together a resource page that contains links to the products we use or similar. The optimal ratio is as follows: nitrogen-3, phosphorus-1, potassium-3, calcium-2, … Scaevola Surdiva Light Blue | 5 Large Plug Plants £6.99 Add to Basket (4) Wonderful lilac/lavender blue petals That look amazing as a stand-alone single variety plant in hanging baskets or patio pots or used … Plug all the cuttings you took into the mix. To succeed, the seeds … In this article we are going to show how we propagate scaevola albida (mauve clusters). Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Find a Garden Center that carries Proven Winners plants & products. (pictured), Bloom color: Soft pink The widely known common name is Fairy Fan-flower, which pertains to the small size of the S. aemula plants. … Place the mix into a seedling tray with drainage holes or if you prefer a small pot. This plant likes free draining, composted soil. Whirlwind ® Pink Fan Flower Scaevola aemula. Diamond Scaevola Plant (Fan Flower) Unavailable for 2021 . A wholesale starter plant company with more than 40 years of service supplying rooted plugs and unrooted cuttings to the greenhouse industry. Height/spread: 8 to 14 inches; 18 to 24 inches, Bloom color: Lavender and yellow bicolor You can’t go wrong with any of these container companions: In addition to being a perfect container companion, scaevola can also be used as a groundcover, in the front of a bed or border, in rock gardens, and also in cut flower arrangements. src="https://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js">, CLICK HERE TO SEE OTHER PLANTS WE PROPAGATE. Buy now from Proven Winners Scaevola taccada, also known as beach cabbage, sea lettuce, beach naupaka, naupaka kahakai (), magoo (), merambong (), bapaceda or papatjeda (Moluccan Islands), ngahu is a flowering plant in the family … English box makes a fantastic formal hedge. Photo by Proven Winners. This is why most garden enthusiasts prefer to propagate by cuttings. To coax the most prolific bloom production from fan flower, fertilize your plants regularly using a water-soluble fertilizer or a slow-release granular fertilizer added to the soil at planting time, following the dosage recommendations given on the package. Discover the right annual plants for your garden. Usually 1 plant every 30cm... Propagation of sage is pretty easy. Because fan flower has a trailing growth habit, it is the ideal spiller plant for containers, hanging baskets, and window boxes. Attracts butterflies, bees, and other pollinating insects. Want to learn more about plants that attract pollinators to the garden? Height/Spread: 8 to 14 inches; 18 to 24 inches, Bloom color: Dark violet-blue In this guide we propagated common sage (salvia officianalis). Resistant to drought, sandy soil and sea spray, Scaevola aemula is a good solution for a problem area in your garden. These cuttings were taken in mid autumn and had roots 2 months later (the weather was quite warm). Buy Online. In at least six separate dispersals, about 40 species have spread throughout the Pacific Basin, with a few reaching the tropical … Fan Flower. Each lot of flower seeds that arrives at Harris Seeds is routinely tested for quality seed … eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'everydaywits_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_10',113,'0','0'])); We almost always use a perlite peat moss mix to strike our cuttings. The taller and fuller varieties go nicely as mixed fillers in the garden. Whilst waiting for the roots to develop the perlite and peat moss mix must be kept moist. Attractive small shrub with blue-white fan shaped flowers occurring mid winter to summer, in cooler regions later flowering can be expected. The cutting should be approximately 2.5″(6-7cm) in length. Get planting advice, garden design tips and trends, monthly checklists for your area, product specials and more in our weekly newsletter. Fan flowers are very drought-tolerant, so only water when the soil feels dry. On this page: The Basics | Planting Tips | Caring for Fan Flower | Pictures | Design Ideas, Fan flower, fairy fan flower, half flower. It is distributed along the New South … The fleshy, trailing to mounding stems of Scaevola are crowded with small, bright green, oval leaves … We took these cuttings in mid autumn. (pictured), Height/spread: 6 to 10 inches; 18 to 24 inches, Height/Spread: 6 to 10 inches; 12 to 18 inches, Bloom color: Deep purple Keep transplants well-watered for the first few weeks until they become established. Scaevola albida ‘mauve clusters’ is a spectacular ground cover plant. Below is a short video showing the above steps. INTERNATIONAL BUYERS Economy Mail is no longer availble due to Covid19. Bees love it. Dark Blue Bombay Scaevola Plant (Fan Flower) Unavailable for 2021 . Details . (pictured), Bloom color: Violet In spring, after all danger of frost is past. Add season-long color and flair to your summer garden with this extremely heat-tolerant plant, Sign up for weekly gardening inspiration and design tips. A potting mix with good trace elements, nutrients and minerals will give your young cuttings a great head start.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'everydaywits_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_1',116,'0','0'])); Whenever we are potting freshly struck cuttings we use seasol, its a liquid based fertiliser that we find greatly increase the speed in which the roots develop. . Buy marijuana seeds today and experience our best offers and unbeatable prices. Fan flowers don't need deadheading, but they may benefit from pinching back of the stems if they become too leggy. Description. Native to Australia, this gorgeous sun-lover is a relative newcomer to gardens in the U.S., but it’s catching on quickly because of its exquisite beauty and ability to bloom tirelessly even during the dog days of summer. To produce a nice thick hedge it takes many plants. Remove the lower half of the leaves by running your fingers in the opposite direction along the stem. Avoid over watering as this can rot out the cuttings. However, even in its native country Australia, it is notoriously difficult to propagate by seed. We use a small bamboo skewer, but whatever provides a hole close in diameter to the stem. Annual in most areas of the country. Choose from our wide selection of indoor and outdoor marijuana strains and we are confident that we have the perfect seed for you! I'm mainly focused on propagation, running the nursery day to day, water gardening and staying active. The method we use is cuttings. We sometimes recommend products on our website. This shrub or small tree in the Goodeniaceae is relatively common in maquis or forests on New Caledonia. Scaevola aemula is a member of the family Goodenaceae. Scaevola albida will benefit from the occasional deep watering during the summer months. Annual Flowers to Consider for Your Garden. White Bombay Scaevola … With its delicate, fan-shaped flowers and evergreen foliage, scaevola (Scaevola aemula) adds year-round color and texture to perennial beds and hanging baskets. Bloom color: Dark bluish-purple Height/Spread: 6 to 10 inches; 18 to 24 inches. It’s very light weight and will not hold the cuttings in place very effectively if not wet.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'everydaywits_com-box-4','ezslot_5',114,'0','0'])); Because the tip cuttings are very soft we need to use something to create a small hole in the mix. Bees love it. They are still quite vulnerable. But it will work on all types of salvia from the many different types of sage, into the... What you’ll find on our site is a multitude of things we’ve been learning over time and applying to our everyday living.We’re able to generate income from our small 1.25 acre block, by propagating plants and selling them to retail nurseries.You will find many helpful resources on plant propagation and gardening in general.Our little patch of land has also enabled us to become more self sufficient, resourceful and conscious about wastage and our impact on the environment.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'everydaywits_com-large-billboard-2','ezslot_8',107,'0','0']));report this ad. Mauve clusters is great as a ground cover, cascading … The cuttings should be ready somewhere from 2-4 months depending on the time of the year. It should only take a month or 2 before the young plants are developed enough to be moved outside and planted in the garden. Ball Seed is North America's leading wholesale horticultural distributor, combining extensive experience, innovative thinking and world-class customer service to ensure professional growers have the best … Height and spread: 8 to 10 inches; 18 to 24 inches, Buy now from Proven Winners This helps us save on room within our greenhouse, yet still provides a great root ball. All Rights Reserved. * Required | We will never sell or distribute your email to any other parties or organizations. Cuttings should look like those pictured below.eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'everydaywits_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_7',112,'0','0'])); Harvesting scaevola (fan flower) cuttings. Growing Scaevola (Fan Flower) Latin Name Pronunciation: skay-vo'-lah. Before planting fan flower in garden beds, amend heavy or dense soil with organic matter to improve drainage. They will work all year but we find that the success rates drop significantly when the weather cools down. Then water the cuttings thoroughly, so that water freely runs out of the drainage holes. Wether you choose to use seasol or not ensure the freshly potted plants are watered in thoroughly. Height and spread: 6 to 10 inches; 18 to 24 inches, Buy now from Proven Winners Order our low cost marijuana seeds/Canada-grown cannabis seeds today and see the difference. A Park Seed Exclusive, the Bio-Dome is crafted for optimal seed growth with vents to promote essential air flow, a floating planter to wick moisture to seeds from the bottom, and … Height/spread: 8 to 14 inches; up to 2 feet Annual Flowers to Consider for Your Garden. From tools to furniture, these garden products are sure to delight. This will help to stimulate new growth and make your plants look fuller. If you want to check that out click the link.eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'everydaywits_com-leader-2','ezslot_9',123,'0','0'])); Scaevola albida ‘mauve clusters’ is a spectacular ground cover plant. Scaevola … Surdiva® Fashion Pink Scaevola Plant (Fan Flower) Price: 7.95 Shipping Spring 2021 - view dates here. Annuals complete their life cycles in one year; biennials produce foliage the first year and bloom and go to Annuals A cutting is essentially a clone of the parent plant. In warm climates (zones 9-11), it can be treated as a tender perennial. Fan flowers look great planted alone, but they are equally stunning in mixed container plantings, paired with other heat-loving summer annuals that have good drought tolerance. Even if you’re a seasoned gardener, you may have never heard of fan flower (Scaevola aemula).Native to Australia, this gorgeous sun-lover is a relative newcomer to gardens in the U.S., but it’s catching on … Place your plants at the same depth at which they were growing in their containers, spacing them about 12 to 18 inches apart to give them room to spread. Fresh seed has the highest germination rate. Because scaevola is an Australian native the … Although each bloom has only five petals (thus the common name “half flower”), the flowers grow in clusters around the stems, creating whorls of color. Bio Dome Seed Starters. Scaevola grows best in moist, fertile, well-drained soil, and is a full sun exposure flower. From the initial planting to the end of the season, this annual out performs other plants with it's prolific flower display. "Angel Wings" container recipe includes Angelface® Cascade Blue angeloina, Supertunia® Really Red petunia, Whirlwind® Blue and Whirlwind® White fan flower. Scaevola can be tricky to grow from seed. Family: Plantaginaceae Characteristics: Spreading shrub 20 cm to 1 metre. It flowers best in full sun but does not mind part shade. Right cutting has lower leaves striped Avoid using tips that are flowering as the plant will try to turn the flowers into seed instead of growing roots. Flowers are self-cleaning, making deadheading unnecessary. If the cutting does have some flowers you can simply pick them off with your fingers. Height/spread: 8 to 14 inches; up to 2 feet Copyright It is an adaptable and low-maintenance plant, … Just wait until the roots are emerging from the drain holes and there is plenty of new growth on the plant. You can sow scaevola seed indoors in sterile potting mix, starting about six weeks before the last frost date in cooler areas. Container-grown plants may need more frequent fertilizing to keep them looking their best. Plants in this tropical Asian genus display their petals in a fanlike arrangement on one side of the stem, which gives the flowers an … Drought and heat tolerant once established. Once the young plants have been potted store out of the elements once again. … Use a premium quality potting mix when potting your cuttings. We carry an extensive selection of annual flower seeds and plants, perennial flower seeds, bedding plants and cut flower seed varieties. … OSC Seeds is the largest wholly Canadian-owned and operated packet seed company, offering a full line of products including over 30 herbs, 250 vegetables, 240 annuals, and 100 perennials and biennials suitable for Canada… Happy planting . Even better, fan flower is tough and easy going and will continue to bloom even when neglected. Found widely in coastal plains of Western Australia between Geraldton to Bunbury and from Albany to Esperance. Flowers: spring-autumneval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'everydaywits_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_4',125,'0','0'])); Hi I'm Kev. Faster root development equals faster plant growth. Harris Seeds has been a leading purveyor of the highest quality flower seeds since 1879. Most notably wind and direct sunlight, both will dry them out super fast. Scaevola, occasionally called fan flower, is a sun-loving annual that grows 8 to 12 inches tall and produces a non stop show of blue, pink, or white flowers. RELATED: Every winter we propagate thousands of english box plants. Because fan flowers are drought-tolerant, they are a good choice for low-water gardens. Mist lightly, and keep seeds at about 70 … For scaevola we prefer to take cuttings from the tip of the stem. Although fan flower is still a bit of a novelty, it’s well worth seeking out. Viper's Bugloss (Echium Plantagineum Blue Bedder) - If you want a plant that is rich in nectar and that attracts beneficial insects, start Echium seeds and marvel at how well-loved these plants are. Whirlwind® Blue fan flower planted along a border. Even if you’re a seasoned gardener, you may have never heard of fan flower (Scaevola aemula). Photo by Proven Winners. We always pot our cuttings once rooted into 2″ (5cm) tubes. Its almost completely covered in flowers during the warmer months. Water should run freely through the drain holes of the pot or tube. If taking the cuttings in cooler weather just be aware that the success rate might be less than ideal and take more cuttings to offset your losses. Sow in the spring about two months before your last frost in a gritty potting mix. Scaevola is one of my all time annual favorites for full sun locations. Water the perlite peat moss mix to firm it up. The plants were ready for the garden by the end of winter. They also do well in coastal gardens because they aren’t bothered by salty air. Scaevolas all look quite similar, with the only differences being flower color and plant size. Height/spread: 8 to 14 inches; up to 2 feet We had a nice healthy plant in a container we harvested these cuttings from.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'everydaywits_com-box-3','ezslot_6',111,'0','0'])); The best time of year for scaevola cuttings we find is spring and summer. Bloom color: Soft pink flowers accented by darker pink rays It’s easy to make 90 % perlite to 10% peat moss. Nutrition: Scaevola is a vigorous plant, so adequate fertilization is necessary in order to avoid leaf yellowing. Discover unique garden products curated by the Garden Design editors, plus items you can use to solve problems in your garden right now, and best sellers from around the web. Australia Post currently have delivery delays within Australia due to the current restrictions and recent COVID outbreak. Seed per packet: 15. Mauve clusters is great as a ground cover, cascading over retaining walls, spilling out of pots or coastal plantings. (pictured), Bloom color: Royal blue Proper soil composition, elevated garden beds, and containers with adequate drainage holes are the best ways to ensure good drainage and optimum moisture levels. About OSC Seeds. Height/spread: 6 to 10 inches; 12 to 18 inches, Bloom color: Deep pink Fan Flower. Height/spread: 8 to 14 inches; 18 to 24 inches SCAEVOLA thesioides Seeds. The cultivars featured here are among the most popular and easiest to find, making them great choices to start out with. Also called fan flower, the abundant blooms of scaevola are borne along fleshy deep green stems. Height/spread: 8 to 12 inches; 18 to 22 inches, Bloom color: Light lavender-blue Seeds for sale starting at € 9.90. With regular plant … * Required FieldsWe will never sell or distribute your email to any other parties or organizations. Scaevola can be propagated by seed or cuttings. document.write(theDate.getFullYear()) Blue, pink, white, and purple, with bright yellow-and-white throats. 6 to 14 inches tall, and 1 to 2 feet wide. Check out our seed … Scaevola is the only Goodeniaceae genus that is widespread outside of Australia. More about the newsletter. JOIN 95,000 other garden lovers who get weekly plant information and design inspiration delivered right to their inbox. var theDate=new Date() From spring well into fall, scaevola plants put on a perpetual display of delicate flowers with tiny petals arranged in a fanlike pattern, giving the flowers a wonderfully exotic look. Find yourself a nice healthy plant you wish to clone. Whirlwind® Blue fan flower (Scaevola hybrid). (see pictures below), And thats how we propagate scaevola (fan flower) albida- mauve clusters. Scaevola is commonly featured in hanging baskets, as a border crop, or for mass planting. Fan flowers aren’t particular about soil type or pH, but they won’t tolerate soggy conditions. Both products have excellent moisture retention capabilities, which is essential for stimulating root growth in our cuttings. The cuttings need to be sheltered from the elements during this stage. This Australian native is heat- and drought-tolerant so it's a good plant to endure in the heat of the summer. If you make a purchase from a link on our site we may receive a commission. More Details. Scaevola makes useful garden plants and are especially … Scaevola is a semi-trailing to trailing annual, grown for its perpetual display of curiously shaped flowers. We hope you’ve found this helpful if so please subscribe to our email list, so we can share more helpful content. If you can’t find transplants at a local garden center, a growing number of online nurseries are beginning to carry fan flower. A unique feature of Scaevola … Small bright-green oval leaves with toothed edges. Plant fan flower in a location that receives at least 6 to 8 hours of sunlight daily in well-drained garden soil. Its almost completely covered in flowers during the warmer months. Fan flower is impervious to most pests and diseases, but it is prone to root rot if soil conditions are too wet. 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