"Having finished" states an action but does not name the doer of that action. Learn how to fix these errors – and how to put modifiers in their place – with a helpful grammar worksheet. Once we add the culprit (or culprits), the sentence becomes clear. Here follow several examples of dangling modifiers and how to fix them. That means that you can't just say, "The happy." A dangling modifier is a word or phrase that modifies a word not clearly stated in the sentence. All Rights Reserved. Create a word for the modifier to describe. “Reading the regulations” is a dangling modifier. Happy writing! After reading the great new book, the movie based on it is sure to be exciting. This sentence is correctly composed because Jill is the subject, and the phrase having finished the assignment describes Jill. Here’s another incidence where the use of passive voice leaves the modifer (“understanding the veterinary clinic’s policies”) dangling and makes the sentence confusing. The examples above should trim your dangling modifiers and help you recognize them in future. It will be easiest for you to understand the problem of the dangling modifier if I show you some examples. For more help on a similar subject, try our misplaced modifier article. This situation is called a dangling modifier. 1. Dangling Modifier Examples. 11 Examples of Dangling Modifiers. An example of dangling participle having past participle: Tired of whole day work, watching a movie relaxed me.Note. Modifiers need to be as close as possible to what they're modifying. Having finished the assignment , Jill turned on the TV. Being explicit makes writing clearer and easier to understand. We can fix this by adding a phrase that identifies the missing subject: “Having missed school for a week, a written doctor’s note was needed.”. Phrases can also act as modifiers, providing additional information about something else in the sentence. Correction: A subject must be added so the modifier has something to describe, change or limit. Hope the aforementioned write-up, with all its explanations and examples, gave you a fair idea of what dangling modifiers are and why is it important to use modifiers appropriately. In this sentence the doer (the subject) of the action is missing. A modifier modifies or provides more information. Because of the placement of walking to the movies, this sentence suggests that the cloudburst is walking to the movies even though a possible walker - Jim - is mentioned later. Misplaced and dangling modifiers … Example: After leaving the house, the car was started. The dog cannot read the regulations; the word (s) that “reading the regulations” modifies have been omitted. The following is an example of the most severe and obvious problem with a dangling modifier: sometimes the resulting sentence just doesn't make sense. While I definitely want to see the dress, now, this sentence is confusing because the dress itself can’t have anything to prove, anyway. Correction: We need a subject that is modified by "hoping to excuse my lateness," since obviously the note itself didn't have any hopes, because it's a note. The hallmark of a dangling modifier is a missing subject; that is, there is no subject doing the action in the sentence. Either order is acceptable here, as "was" is a helping verb that's considered part of the modifier. In other words, if a modifier (word or phrase) modifies (changes the meaning) different word rather than the targeted one, it will be called dangling modifier. Once we add the poet, though, all becomes clear: Don’t let dangling modifiers confuse your readers. While driving to work, Jane witnessed a car accident on the highway. Incorrect: Reading the regulations, the dog did not enter the park. 1st form of verb + ing) or a past participle (2nd form of verb).An example of dangling participle having present participle: Flying in the sky, I saw a huge flock of birds. Example 7 with an Adjective. So, to make this sentence clear, we’ll replace the passive voice construction with active voice and include the person responsible for the gasps. At other times the dangling modifier is placed next to the wrong noun or noun substitute. After reading the great new book, Anna thought the movie based on it was sure to be exciting. Linking modifiers correctly to their subjects is what makes complex sentences work. Thanks to modifiers, words like “the bird” become “the soaring bird.” Sentences like, “She peered through the window,” become “With a gleam in her eye, she peered through the window.” Vicious smelly creatures with huge tusks, the ship's crew found it difficult to drive the male walruses from the beach. Problem: Elevators can't stand in line. Example: Swimming out into the lake, the water grew cold. A dangling modifier does not have anything to modify because the word or words it should modify have been omitted from the sentence.These sentences should be restructured to include the words the modifiers describe.Dangling Modifier Examples: 1. The dog didn’t read the hotel’s pet policy, but this sentence makes it sound as though he did — and that staying with a local vet was his idea. A modifier does exactly what it sounds like: it changes, alters, limits, or adds more info to something else in the sentence. Hoping to excuse my lateness, the note was written and given to my teacher. A modifier is considered dangling when the sentence isn’t clear about what is being modified.For example, “The big” doesn’t make sense without telling what is big which leaves “big” as a dangling modifier; but, “the big dog” is a complete phrase. Examples of Dangling Modifiers: Some dangling modifiers do not have a present or past participle. Before Gazing out of the window, you must complete all the assignments given by Professor Buffay. Now, at least, you’ll be better able to spot those mistakes during editing. After all, who would ignore their own grand gesture? Example 6 with an Adjective. The prepositional phrase “without knowing the recipe” should modify a person, but not a single person appears in this sentence. Example 5 with Participle Phrase. Dangling modifiers often take the form of an introductory phrase followed by a clause that doesn’t state the intended subject. (Before going out in the rain is the introductory phrase. “After reading the poem aloud, his words, though eloquent, failed to move her.”. Example 1. Take Exam Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. And even if you don’t want a reputation as a grammar nerd, knowing how to spot and fix modifier errors will make you a better writer. An example of a dangling modifier is the phrase "having come" in the first clause in the sentence "Having come to the movie to … Example 3 with a Participle Phrase. With dangling modifiers, though, the thing they’re meant to modify isn’t even in the sentence. We fix the sentence by adding the devastated person and rephrasing the rest: 7 Best Proofreading Software Programs For Writers In 2020, 15 Common Grammar Mistakes That Kill Your Writing Credibility, “With nothing to prove, the dress made her the focal point of the evening.”. The one modified by “not having studied the lab manual carefully” is conspicuously absent (how convenient). Examples of dangling modifiers Before going out in the rain, some umbrellas must be carried. Whether a word or a whole phrase, a dangling modifier can confuse meaning and complicate writing. Doesn’t mean you won’t make this mistake ever again. Here, social exclusion is said to … ", To avoid confusion, modifiers must be as close as possible to the thing they are modifying. From henceforth, you’ll be the one to ask tricky grammar questions like this. Whose fingers were covered in cat hair immediately follows Jack, its target. A dangling modifier is also called a dangling participle if it contains a present participle (e.g. Incorrect: Reading the hotel’s restrictions, my dog stayed at home. Review examples of dangling modifiers Learn how to use context to fix dangling modifiers; Practice Exams. In this example, the subject who was fumbling in her purse is not stated, so it seems like the keys were doing the fumbling. For example, "The big" doesn't make sense without telling what is big which leaves "big" as a dangling modifier; but, "the big dog" is a complete phrase. Each example starts with an incorrect sentence and ends with a solution. Dangling Participle Examples . Nowhere in this sentence do we see who exactly is devastated. Stuck standing in line, the elevator was keeping people from getting to the party. And since you don’t want to confuse your readers, you need to know not only how to spot them but how to fix them, too. For example: Hoping to garner favor, my new boyfriend brought my parents a gift that sadly failed to impress them. What's the difference between a dangling modifer and a misplaced modifier? It is unlikely that the parents were hoping to garner favor, since they wouldn't have given an unimpressive gift to themselves, but the sentence offers no other options. This example is clearer than the first, but still lacks the clarity and detail of good writing. If you did, people would immediately ask you, "The happy what?" Sometimes, however, an inexperienced writer will include a modifier but forget the target. Although most commonly found at the beginning of the sentence, the dangling modifier may be located at the end of the sentence, too. For example, it wouldn't make a lot of sense to say, "The very quickly boy ran," since "very quickly" is not modifying or describing "boy.". Posses… The definition of dangling modifier is a descriptive word or phrase within a sentence that describes a subject which is not in the sentence. Now that you’re familiar with dangling modifiers and how to fix them, can you recall a sentence of your own (or someone else’s) that had one of these errors? Example 8 with Prepositional Phrase. Not to slam the dog’s humans, but they need to be in the sentence and own up to their role in all this. However, "my lateness" is part of the modifier, rather than being part of the subject itself. Hoping to excuse my lateness, I wrote a note and gave it to my teacher. My note may not get me out of trouble, but at least I won't have bad grammar too! Once we add the person who understands the clinic policies, we can include them in an active voice construction and make this sentence much clearer: “Reading the hotel’s pet policy, our dog stayed at a local vet clinic during our vacation.”. Typically, a dangling modifier comes in the form a phrase or clause at the beginning or end of a sentence. If not, it also is a dangling modifier. Here, some relevant information is implied rather than being explicitly stated. Dangling modifiers are errors. Problem: Here, it seems as though we have a subject: "my lateness." “With a gasp, the lid was quickly resealed.”. Correction: Reordering the sentence makes a clear result. And do you know what to say when someone asks, “So, what’s the difference between a dangling modifier and misplaced modifier?”. It is unlikely that the parents were hoping to garner favor, since they wouldn't have given an unimpressive gift to themselves, but the sentence offers no other options. Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives and other adverbs. Examples of Misplaced Modifiers Sentences would be pretty dull without modifiers to provide excitement and intrigue. Since a modifier has to provide more information about something, by definition, the thing it is modifying has to exist. Dangling Modifier Examples. “Without knowing the recipe, it was risky to make a cake from scratch.”. Examples of Misplaced or Dangling Modifiers. Dangling modifiers: definition and examples. Adverbs can go before or after the thing they are modifying. Now, the modifier is no longer dangling, since the subject - in this case, the boyfriend - is clearly identified. Stuck standing in line for the elevator, people were getting impatient to get to the party. If the modifier of a sentence doesn’t modify the correct Noun or Pronoun, then the meaning of the sentence can be changed. Problem: "Unbeaten" is left dangling here, apparently modifying a phrase to which it doesn't apply. It seems pretty obvious and intuitive when written in a simple sentence, and it seems hard to imagine a situation in which a modifier would be left dangling, without a thing to modify. Social exclusion is inevitable when faced with mobility restrictions. In this sentence, the phrase having finished the assignment is the dangling modifier. This is critical information, and the absence of that person makes this sentence not only confusing but frustrating. “Not having studied the lab manual carefully, the experiment was a failure.”. A modifier describes, clarifies, or gives more detail about a concept. “I wore my favorite pants to the job interview, which accidentally picked up road salt from the side of … By the time we’re done, you’ll be a better writer and editor. - [Voiceover] So this sentence has a dangling modifier, and the modifier in question is, flashing lightning and thunder. Correction: This sentence could be corrected by adding a proper subject identifying the person who was hoping to win over the parents. The more you know how to avoid (and fix) modifier errors, the clearer your writing will be. ", Here, the adverb "quickly" modifies the verb "ran," and the adverb "very" modifies the adverb "quickly. So, it seems to modify something else, but it doesn’t make sense. Dangling modifiers will have nowhere to hide. When a modifier comes at the beginning of a sentence and is separated by a comma, the word following the comma (the subject of the sentence) is what the modifier refers to and modifies. In the example below, the introductory phrase modifies Jane, the subject of the main clause. What is a dangling modifier? Correction: Rearranging the sentence resolves all confusion. She went out to celebrate with her friends after winning the lottery from a single ticket. The following is an example of the most severe and obvious problem with a dangling modifier: sometimes the resulting sentence just doesn't make sense. No need to dwell on past mistakes, though. Dangling elliptical clause: In this sentence, the modifier when just six years old is positioned next to my grandmother, suggesting that my six year old grandmother taught me ballet. How to repair dangling modifiers – two options: 1. Adjectives like "happy" go before the thing they are modifying or after, with a helping verb. But when it doesn't do that, that's what's called a dangling modifier. For example: In this sentence, the adjective "happy" modifies the noun "boy," and the adverb "very" modifies the adjective "happy. Final Exam 11th Grade English: Tutoring Solution Status: Not Started. If you’re ready for more examples, check out our post with examples of misplaced modifiers. “Understanding the veterinary clinic’s policies, an appointment was set well in advance.”. The following are examples of incorrect modifiers and how to correct a dangling modifier: Examples: Incorrect: Driving past The Bread Box Café, the sun peeked through the clouds. A dangling modifier is a phrase or clause that does not logically modify any word in the sentence in which it appears. Misplaced modifiers are positioned so that they appear to modify something other than what they’re meant to describe. So, who read the poem aloud? By contrast, dangling participles are participles or participle phrases that are not placed next to the nouns they modify, causing great confusion, and not a small number of unintentionally humorous grammatical errors. Do you know a dangling modifier when you see it? Robert laughed hard when he his friend cracked a joke at him. Examples of Dangling Modifiers Example #1: Mouse in Pajamas. Ideally, they should be directly next to the thing being modified, either before or after, sometimes with a helping verb. Recognizing dangling modifiers In a correct sentence, the subject (or doer) that is modified should immediately follow the comma after the modifier. Example 2. Example 2 with a Participle Phrase. Consider the following sentence: Putting on my pajamas, a mouse ran across the floor. It’s embarrasing, but it happens — even when you know better. A misplaced modifier is a type of ambiguous grammatical construct whereby a grammatical modifier could be misinterpreted as being associated with a word other than the one intended. Example 4 with a Participle Phrase. Example: Incorrect: Hearing the good news, happiness was mine. The lid probably didn’t gasp, but whoever resealed it might have. Logically, it's "people" who are stuck standing in line, but with the way this sentence is structured, grammatically that phrase must refer to "the elevator," making the sentence nonsensical. For your convenience, I’ve highlighted the dangling modifiers in green. “Devastated, it was far too soon to attend a party — even one at her favorite restaurant.”. Example 1 with a Participle Phrase. Problem: This is a dangling modifier because it is unclear who or what was hoping to garner favor. Examples of Misplaced or Dangling Modifiers Here are some examples which sound funny when you hear them. 1. Let’s start first with the definition of a modifier. Having finished the assignment, Jill turned on the TV. A modifier is a word, phrase, or clause that gives you more information about a subject or concept. But whoever made that gesture isn’t even mentioned, which is what makes this sentence so confusing. This sentence implies that the sun was the “doer of the action”, that the sun was driving past The Break Box Café. Now, the problem is resolved. “Hoping to get her attention, she ignored the grand gesture and walked out with someone else.”. Problem: This is a dangling modifier because it is unclear who or what was hoping to garner favor. Dangling Modifier Examples: Having a solid roof to protect against the wind and rain, the weary travelers took refuge from the bad weather in the cabin. Once you read this post and look over its 11 examples of dangling modifiers, you will. Hoping to garner favor, my parents were sadly unimpressed with the gift. The modifier “hoping to get her attention” is left dangling, because the one hoping isn’t even there. Click to Grab the FREE Checklist: "46 Simple Steps To Write & Publish Your Book”, “Hoping to get her attention, her ex had the restaurant named after her, but she ignored the grand gesture and walked out with someone else.”, “Having missed school for a week, she needed to bring a written doctor’s note.”, “Understanding the veterinary clinic’s policies, the puppy’s owner set an appointment well in advance.”, “Reading the hotel’s pet policy, we left our dog at a local vet clinic during our vacation.”, “Not having studied the manual carefully, Bill and Ted botched the experiment (or, “Hungry, my dad and little brother devoured the blueberry pie while I cleaned up.”, “Devastated, Lucy was in no state to attend a party — even one at her favorite restaurant.”, “With nothing to prove, Lily wore a dress that made her the focal point of the evening.”, “With a gasp, Dr. Jefffers quickly resealed the lid.”, “Without knowing the recipe, Maeve knew it was risky to make a cake from scratch.”, “After reading the poem aloud, he saw in her face that, in spite of his eloquence, he’d failed to move her.”, Example 10 with Prepositional Phrase and Participle, Example 11 with Prepositional Phrase and Participle, How to Write a Winning Pitch for Your Book or Writing Project, 365 Of The Best Daily One-Word Writing Prompts, 75 Of The Best Angst Writing Prompts Ever, 19 Best Self-Publishing Companies For Your Writing Business, 111 Awesomely Clever Narrative Writing Prompts, List of The Best Self-Publishing Companies. 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